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时间:2017-04-25 19:55来源:毕业论文

摘要:物联网安全物联网(internetofthings,IOT)是以感知为核心的物物互联的综合信息系统,被誉为是继计算机、互联网之后信息产业的第三次浪潮。物联网连接现实物理空间和虚拟信息空间,其无处不在的数据感知、以无线为主的信息传输、智能化的信息处理,可应用于各行各业和日常生活的各个方面,它与国家安全、经济安全息息相关,目前已成为各国综合国力竞争的重要因素。我国高度重视物联网技术和产业发展,2010年6月5日,胡总在两院院士大会上讲话指出,当前要加快发展物联网技术,争取尽快取得突破性进展。“感知中国”进入战略实施阶段,中国物联网产业发展面临着巨大机遇。   正如任何一个新的信息系统出现都会伴生着信息安全问题一样,物联网也不可避免地伴生着物联网安全问题,其重点表现在如果物联网出现了被攻击、数据被篡改等,并致使其出现了与所期望的功能不一致的情况,或者不再发挥应有的功能,那么依赖于物联网的控制结果将会出现灾难性的问题,如工厂停产或出现错误的操控结果。这一点通常称之为物联网的安全问题。   物联网将经济社会活动、战略性基础设施资源和人们生活全面 架构在全球互联互通的网络上,所有活动和设施理论上透明化,一旦遭受攻击,安全和隐私将面临巨大威胁,甚至可能引发电网瘫痪、交通失控、工厂停产等恶性后果。因此实现信息安全和网络安全是物联网大规模应用的必要条件,也是物联网应用系统成熟的重要标志。7672
关键词: 物联网;安全防范管理;理论和方法;研究  
Study and application of safety management system based on the Internet of things
Abstract: Network security of Internet of things (internetofthings, IOT) is a comprehensive information system is perceived as the core of the Internet of things, it is regarded as the computer, the Internet after the third wave of the information industry. Connecting the physical space and the virtual space of information networking, the ubiquitous data perception, mainly the wireless information transmission, intelligent information processing, can be applied to all walks of life and all aspects of daily life, and it is closely related to national security, economic security, has become an important factor in the competition of the comprehensive national strength. China attaches great importance to the Internet of things technology and industrial development, June 5, 2010, General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out that speech in science, the need to accelerate the development of the technology of the Internet of things, for as soon as the breakthrough. "The perception of China" to enter the implementation stage, the development of network industry in China is faced with great opportunities. As a new information system will be associated with the problem of information security, the Internet of things is inevitably associated with network security problems, the key performance in if things appeared to be attacked, data tampering, and resulting in the emergence of inconsistent with the desired function, or no longer play its due role, so dependent on control results in the Internet of things will be catastrophic problems, such as production or incorrect manipulation of results. This point often referred to as network security problems. The Internet of things will economic and social activities, strategic infrastructure resources and people life overall architecture in the global interconnection networks, all activities and facilities on the theory of transparency, once attacked, security and privacy will face a huge threat, and may even lead generation network paralysis, traffic control, production and other malignant consequences. Therefore the realization of information security and network security is a necessary condition for the large-scale application of the Internet of things, but also things important sign of mature application systems. 基于物联网的安全管理系统的研究与应用:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_5711.html