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时间:2020-07-20 21:13来源:毕业论文



Design of four axis aircraft

Abstract:In this paper, the discussion focused on three aspects, namely, four-axis aircraft design, mathematical modeling and controller design. First, the historical development and research of small four-axis aircraft made a general introduction, and research modern four-axis aircraft introduced therein. Secondly, four circuit design prototype model aircraft and flight controllers of this design will be presented one by one in this. Next, the controller circuit from the mechanical structure and design of these two aspects, discusses the physical axis aircraft design. Through access to information, analysis of the structure and reasonable choice of device type, we will achieve a usable and can meet the four-axis aircraft model studies. Want to design a four-axis aircraft, the most important thing is you must have a stable prototype model available, so by analyzing the principle of four-axis flight control of the aircraft, the mathematical model of the attitude axis of the aircraft. Then, on this basis, we propose a practical control algorithm for solving the debug section discusses in detail the PID parameters and attitude angle. Finally, the author carried out each aircraft performance study, also conducted a field flight, debugging and optimizing aircraft controller software aspects of the design.


目  录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 前言 1

1.2 课题的目的和意义 1

1.3 国内外发展状况 2

1.4 关键技术和设计难点 4

第2章 四轴飞行器组成 4

2.1 结构特性 4

2.2 四轴飞行器的系统结构 8

2.3 硬件介绍 8

2.3.1 电机 8

2.3.2 电机驱动设计 10

2.3.3 STM32F1主控板 14

2.3.4 MPU6050六轴传感器 16

第3章 数学建模 18

3.1 飞行器姿态表示 18

3.2 方向余弦矩阵微分方程式 24

3.3 四元数微分方程式 24

第4章 程序编写 25

4.1 软件介绍 25

4.1.1 MDK 5.0 STM32四轴飞行器的设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_56689.html
