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时间:2021-12-27 21:35来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:物联网,交通信号监控,智能交通 ,串口中断

Abstract:With increasing economic development and urban vehicles, urban transportation problem is getting worse, The Internet of things in the field of urban transport technology has broad application prospects, intelligent transport is one of its typical applications, intelligent transportation advanced information technology, effectively integrate data communications transmission technology, electronic sensor technology, control technology and computer technology, applied to the whole ground traffic management system。 Establish a real-time, accurate and efficient integrated transport management system。 The design on the status of the development of intelligent transportation and preliminary analysis of existing problems, combined with the overall system architecture, traffic signal system as the center expanded analog design。 The center of this study is to monitor the traffic signal system, traffic signal control system it began as the center, in addition to achieving control of the East and West directions prohibiting access and time, also designed based on changes in traffic flow, the use of serial interrupt simulation smart regulation time traffic lights Adjustment。

Keywords:The Internet of things,Traffic signal monitoring , intelligent transportation,Serial port   interrupt


1 绪论 4

1。1 研究背景与意义 4

1。2 交通控制信号 4

1。3 国内外研究现状 5

1。4 未来发展趋势 6

2 物联网技术 6

2。1 物联网的定义 6

2。2 物联网体系结构 7

2。3 物联网RFID系统 8

3 ITS系统设计 8

3。1 系统的设计要求 9

3。2 系统设计方案 9

3。3 设计流程图 10

4 ITS实验室模拟 10

4。1 系统模拟环境 10

4。2 系统建模 14

4。3 交通流量统计 14

4。4交通控制信号智能调整算法 15

4。5 信号控制系统的实验室模拟 16

4。6电子警察抓拍系统设计 21

4。7抓拍系统工作原理 21

4。8前端模块 22
