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时间:2019-10-01 14:23来源:毕业论文

关键词  地铁列车,速率曲线,能耗分析,惰行,粒子群算法
Title  Subway Trains Running Velocity Curve Optimal Control  
Subway trains running velocity curve optimal control may be the reference to the design and operation of subway trains. With large transport volume, high energy consumption, subway trains need to be studied on how to save running energy. This paper has completed the following contents: studied on the velocity, energy and current curve ,and observed their relationship; proposed control strategy to optimize the velocity curve to save energy, and completed the running subway trains’modeling and simulation;finished  the program of trains running and optimal control, which generated the curve of trains' running regard to time; studied on different cases such as single and double coasting points, different capacity rate, single or multi-particle model, analyzed the results of each simulation and put forward the best control strategy; accomplished the graduation project of subway trains runing velocity curve optimal control.
Keywords   subway trains, velocity curve, energy consumption analysis, coasting, particle swarm optimization
 目    录
1 绪论    1
1.1课题研究背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3 选题的科学意义和应用前景    2
1.4 研究方案和主要研究内容    3
2 地铁列车受力分析与能耗计算    4
2.1地铁列车受力分析    4
2.2 列车运动学模型    10
2.3 列车运行过程能量计算    12
3 列车优化操纵    15
3.1 列车优化操纵原则    15
3.2 列车节能优化操纵策略    15
3.3 牵引策略    17
3.4 粒子群优化算法    18
3.5 列车区间运行速度曲线优化    21
4 地铁列车运行仿真与站间速度曲线优化    25
4.1单质点模型    25
4.2 多质点模型    35
结  论    40
致  谢    41
参考文献    42
1   绪论
1.1 课题研究背景
地铁的线路和建筑物大部分都在地下,一般建设在老城区或者是市中心[1]。作为大运量的城市交通工具,它有着显著的特点,那就是地铁大部分是在地下通行,和地面道路不冲突,地面部分的地铁也会有高架,所以它不受道路交通状况的影响,可以说运行很稳定[2~5]。它速度快,运量大,但是造价高昂。相比传统的交通工具,地铁具有很多优势,不仅运量大,很方便,绿色环保,节能减排,安全高效,缓解了城市堵车的问题,方面了广大平民老百姓的出行[6]。地铁是一项造福人民的工程,很多大中城市都在开展地铁的建设,很多老百姓也在盼望着能够早日享受到方便快捷的地铁服务[7]。 地铁列车运行速率曲线优化控制:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_40181.html