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时间:2019-06-29 14:08来源:毕业论文

The optimization andsimulation ofTrains running strategy
Abstract:Promote energy conservation in the context of the world, in order to reduce energy consumption and improve train running train efficiency, experts have done a lot of related research and reports. After I reviewed the information presented in order to train a single particle motion simulation model-based train operation optimization program, the core idea of the optimization program is running trains through the range of trace to meet the time, speed and distance of these constraints on the basis of conditions to traction, coasting and braking control working conditions, ultimately to optimize the energy consumption of trains math problem. Since the optimization problem of nonlinear optimization problems can not be solved by traditional methods. The main topic PSO algorithm, the main features of the algorithm is able to control the distance of specific conditions in order to optimize the variables to solve the original problem. At the same time example proves the validity of the method by MATLAB.
KeyWords:Single particle model;Working conditions;Particle Swarm Optimization;MATLAB
1 绪论    1
1.1 选题的背景与意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1 国外研究情况    2
1.2.2 国内研究情况    2
1.3 发展趋势    3
2  列车运行过程研究    4
2.1 牵引力    4
2.2 基本阻力    4
2.3 附加阻力    5
2.4 制动力    5
2.5  列车运行优化模型    6
2.6  列车运行能耗    6
2.7  列车运行过程优化模型    7
3  智能优化算法    8
3.1  智能优化算法介绍    8
3.1.1 模拟退火算法    8
3.1.2 遗传算法    8
3.1.3 人工神经网络    9
3.1.4 人工免疫算法    9
3.1.5 粒子群优化算法算法    9
3.2 粒子群算法简介    10
3.3 与遗传算法的比较    10
3.3.1 共同点    10
3.3.2 不同点    10
3.3.3 优缺点    11
3.4  参数设置    11
4 程序设计    12
4.1 列车运行过程仿真程序设计    12
4.1.1 牵引条件下的程序设计    12
4.1.2 惰行条件下的程序设计    14
4.1.3 制动条件下的程序设计    14
4.1.4 最后一段工况段的处理    14
4.1.5 列车工况转换序列的设计问题    14
4.1.6 坡度的设计问题    15
4.2 优化算法程序设计    15
4.2.1 优化问题求解    16 MATLAB列车运行策略优化及仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_35300.html