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时间:2018-04-11 22:35来源:毕业论文

关键词  MFCC特征值  矢量量化  特征提取  说话人识别
Title    Labview-Based Voice Recognition System Design                   
In recent years, the rapid development of voice recognition technology is amazing. Its application extends to every aspect of our lives. Especially, with the speaker verification system, the use for identity verification has been applied in many places. Thus, the thesis gives a specific design of the speaker recognition system.
This paper introduces the design method of sound acquisition system based on Labview software and a detailed description of how to collect and store the sound signals into a computer. This paper also gives several commonly used voiceprint characteristics, and highlight the process of MFCC parameter extraction,as well as how to write its codes by Matlab software. In addition, the paper also describes three voice recognition models, focusing on vector quantization model. It gives a detailed description of how to use the vector quantization model to train codebook of voice feature, consisting of sample library; then collect and test the new sound to see if it matches with the codebook of sample library.
Keywords  MFCC eigenvalues   Vector Quantization  Feature Extraction   Speaker Recognition
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  课题研究的背景及意义    1
1.2  声音识别系统的具体应用    1
1.3  声音识别技术的现状    2
1.4  研究工作概述    2
2  基于Labview的声音信号采集    4
2.1  Labview概述    4
2.2  声音采集系统的设计    4
3  基于Matlab的声音特征提取    10
3.1  声音特征参数概述    10
3.2  提取特征的基本过程    10
4  识别模型    24
4.1  隐马尔可夫模型    24
4.2  高斯混合模型    25
4.3  矢量量化模型    25
结  论    36
致  谢    37
参 考 文 献    38
附  录1    39
附  录2    41
附  录3    44
1  引言
关于声音,最常见的两种研究方向是:语音识别和声纹识别。本次毕业设计的课题为后者。每个人由于发声器官构造和发声习惯的不同,发出的声音都有着自己的特征。从这些声音信号中提取出表现说话人特征的信息,进而由此判断是否为此人说话,这一过程称为说话人识别或声纹识别,也可模糊称之为声音识别。所以,它并不强调说话人声音信号中表达的含义是什么,而是从中提取出代表说话人的声音特征。 基于Labview的声音识别系统设计+源程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_12971.html