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时间:2023-01-10 22:19来源:毕业论文

摘 要为提高通讯接插件生产质量,生产厂家需花费大量人力对其进行质量检测及修整,操作过程中劳动强度大,工作效率低。本课题拟设计一套自动化装置对通讯接插件进行质量检测及修整,以降低人工劳动强度,提高工作效率。本文对自动化装置机械结构进行设计分析。86992





Abstract In order to improve the production quality of communication connector, manufacturers need to spend a lot of manpower to the quality inspection and repair, operation process of high labor intensity, work efficiency is low。 This paper intends to design a set of automatic device of communication connector quality inspection and repair to reduce labor intensity and improve work efficiency。 In this paper, the design and analysis of mechanical structure of automation device。

This design is based on the digital integrated circuit, with a single chip microcomputer as the control core, software and hardware combination, composed of burr grinding machine control system。 Through the MCU control of the screw, relay, motor and other components, to achieve the connector grinding machine grinding, detection, blowing and the base disk rotating function is operating rules。

Based on MCU communication connector production quality inspection and control system greatly reduced the amount of labor and cost, improve the production efficiency。 The design has the characteristics of high precision, strong function, good economy and strong practicability。

Keywords: connector; burr removal; coaxial degree testing; automation         

目  录 

第一章 绪论 1

1。1选题的背景、目的和意义 1

1。2国内外毛刺打磨机研究现状及发展趋势 1

第二章 方案的论述 3

2。1打磨机设计的总体概述 3

2。2控制系统的整体方案 4

2。3本章小结 5

第三章 硬件电路设计 6

3。1 系统的整体框图 6

3。2电源电路 8

3。3标准时钟电路 9

3。4复位电路 9

3。5驱动电路 10

3。5。1 驱动芯片ULN2003A 10

3。5。2毛刺去除电动机选型 10

3。5。3步进电机选型 12

3。6显示电路 17

3。7电磁阀电路 17

3。8硬件系统整体电路图 18

3。9本章小结 18

第四章 软件设计 20

4。1主程序设计 单片机通讯接插件生产质量检测及修整控制系统设计+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_122933.html
