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时间:2020-06-20 11:39来源:毕业论文



Analysis On The Lakeside Leisure Square Humanized Design——A Case In Anhui Lakeside Leisure Square District

Abstract: Waterfront is a specific and rivers, lakes, seas adjacent urban space area. Which is adjacent to the lake shore zone of our analysis. Leisure Square is the city an important part of leisure space. Waterfront Plaza building is humanized differences, therefore, Lakeside Leisure Square humanized features have been also very obvious difference . This article from the Lakeside Leisure Square and humanized design concept, through design Hefei Lakeside Leisure Square overall human conception, design techniques, landscape node elements, functional analysis, summarized humane Lakeside Leisure Square design elements and the relationship between. Combined with user-friendly design principles of holistic principles, persification principle, the principle of accessibility, cultural principles, attention to public participation and other elements to illustrate the principle of humanity in the leisure square design played an important role. By analyzing, summarize, summarize some of the Lake District leisure plaza on user-friendly design principles and methods, hoping to later lakeside leisure square design play a reference role.

Key words: Lake District; leisure plaza; humane

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作为城市公共空间的主要组成部分—— 广场,是提供人们在空闲时间散步、锻炼等公共活动的场所,被认为是城市公共休闲空间形象的代表。广场设计之前首先需要给广场定性,即确定一个明确的主题。尽管现如今的广场建设更多的趋向“上档次”和“规模大”,但是这些不能代表着多数居民的需求和城市的需要,人们更多的是需要一个人性化的广场,所以在湖滨区如何建设一个人性化的休闲广场成为了讨论的重点。在城市飞速发展的现在,湖滨区休闲广场更注重的是附近居民的活动需要以及人在广场中的活动,也就是我们所提到的人性化设计。在近几年来的广场的建设中,出现了多种多样的城市休闲广场,但仔细研究这些休闲广场,由于在多数居民需求的认知上,广场设计的定位上,整体规划的协调的上仍存在很多不足,且广场的建设形式都离不开低头见铺装、平视见喷泉、仰脸看雕塑、台阶加旗杆、中轴对称式、终点是政府或大楼的广场八股,导致居民最重要的休闲场所——休闲广场失去的不仅仅是这种建设形式,更重要的是建设中的人性化危机。所以我们应该更加严格的审视建设中的人性化。

本文从湖滨休闲广场的人性化入手,分析湖滨休闲广场的特征,对合肥湖滨区的居民需求和当地环境条件有所掌握,深入探讨发掘人性化条件和设计原则。最终以此休闲广场为例,从整体构思、设计原则、建设风格、色彩形式等搭配方面深入解读湖滨休闲广场的人性化特色。 湖滨休闲广场的人性化景观设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_54848.html
