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时间:2019-03-22 21:29来源:毕业论文

The application of simple design style in design of special equipment——E.ON special booth design
Abstract: "Simple design" is a design concept in many design schools. Simple design works are now ubiquitous, it is widely used in various fields. Minimalist style features will be design elements, color, lighting, raw materials to a minimum of the least, but the texture of color, material requirements is extremely high. Simple design is to simplify the design to the essence, simply and not empty. People now advocate low-carbon life, low-carbon life can be understood as: to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, is a low energy, low consumption, low spending lifestyle. Today, this trend gradually in some of the big cities in China, the rise of a subtle change in people's lives. Low carbon life represents a more healthy, more natural, more secure, to recover one's original simplicity for man and nature activities. This reminds us of the "minimalist" design..
Special decoration booth in this paper according to the characteristics of simple design style to design E.ON, which reflect the E.ON corporate image, let people understand E.ON left a profound impact, to highlight simple design style in special equipment booth design and application.
Keywords: Simple design ; low carbon life ;recover one's original simplicity
一、绪论    4
(一)研究的目的与意义    4
(二)国内外研究的背景及发展情况    4
1.国外发展情况    4
2.国内发展情况    4
(三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    5
二、E.ON的企业形象    5
(一)E.ON的简介    6
(二)E.ON的历史    6
三、简约设计风格特装展台的调研    7
(一)博世展台    7
(二)西门子展台    7
(三)宏基展台    8
(四)Arezia展台     8
(五)调研小结     9
四、简约设计风格在E.ON特装展台设计中的体现    10
(一)概念形成    10
(二)元素运用    10
(三)设计定位    12
(四)设计说明    13
五、总结    18
优尔、致谢    18
七、参考文献    18
如今人们提倡低碳的生活方式,低碳的生活方式可以理解为:减少二氧化碳的排放,具体说就是低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。如今,这股风潮逐渐在国内和国外都很风行,潜移默化地改变着人们的日常生活。低碳的生活就是代表着让生活更加健康、更加自然、更加安全,返璞归真地去生活,很明显想要这样的生活方式,就会让我们想到设计中的简约设计。 简约设计风格在特装设计中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_31195.html