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时间:2022-08-25 22:22来源:毕业论文



Language rhetoric art of talk show host – the case of the jinxing talk show

Abstract:Entered the new period, the continuous development of social economy to accelerate the mass communication technology level of ascension, also makes the television industry development level compared with the past has a qualitative leap, but also accelerated the competition of TV industry。 Various types of TV programs are preempted television screens, among them, the talk show is started in recent years the rise of popular variety of entertainment, in a very short period of time, more entertainment talk show is in thirty high popularity and reputation。 As a talk show host, he and mass communication is a kind of dynamic direct communication, language is the bridge of communication。 From a host of professional skills, personal language skills is to determine whether the can and communication between the public key to smoothly。 Especially the use of talk show host language rhetoric art is crucial。 Venus this paper is to show, for example, in the understanding of the talk show host rhetoric art on the basis of the concept of key analysis in the talk show host language rhetoric art characteristics and the existing problems, and on this basis to discuss how to perfect the talk show host language rhetoric art, etc。

Key words: "JinXing talk show"; The host; Rhetorical art


摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、脱口秀节目主持人语言修辞艺术的概述 2

(一)脱口秀节目的界定 2

(二)修辞艺术的界定 3

(三)修辞艺术在脱口秀节目中的作用 3

二、《金星脱口秀》主持人的语言表现 4

(一)语言修辞手法的巧妙运用 4

(二)规范语言展现意见领导作用 4

三、《金星脱口秀》节目中语言修辞艺术运用存在的问题分析 5

(一)复杂的比喻造成观众理解困难 5

(二)突兀的反问引起嘉宾尴尬 6

(三)过分的夸张导致节目浮夸 6

(四)强烈的排比显现主持人的强势 7

四、在辞格运用中存在问题的解决方法 7

(一)比喻简洁,易于理解 7

(二)反问有理,缓解尴尬 8

(三)夸张适度,活跃气氛 8

(四)排比节制,适当强调 9

参考文献 脱口秀节目主持人的语言修辞艺术《金星脱口秀》为例:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_98396.html
