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时间:2022-05-04 19:46来源:毕业论文
单纯用武力打 击等应对传统安全威胁的“土方法”是无法彻底解决 ISIS 问题的,国际反恐力量要重视运 用新媒体反制 ISIS,但目前新媒体反恐形势处于一个尴尬的境地

摘要信息时代,新媒体的作用被不断延展更新,在商业经济领域频频取得奇迹。与此同时, 人们的社交形态和国际间的关系在新媒体影响下也产生了巨大的变化,文明的冲突和融合 发生了巨大变化,新媒体的诞生和发展使得国家安全这一命题成为国际政治中重要的角力 点。ISIS(即后来宣布成立的“伊斯兰国”)的异军突起给整个中东地区乃至世界和平的稳 定局面带来了极大威胁。该组织的新媒体传播战略成熟且极具特点,能够成功将新媒体融 入组织自身对外扩张、资金筹集、人才团队的建设等各个方面。事实证明,单纯用武力打 击等应对传统安全威胁的“土方法”是无法彻底解决 ISIS 问题的,国际反恐力量要重视运 用新媒体反制 ISIS,但目前新媒体反恐形势处于一个尴尬的境地。80449

毕业论文关键词 国家安全 新媒体 新式恐怖zhuyi 媒介恐慌 媒介恐怖

Title The Exploration of New Media Crisis under The View of National Security---How ISIS Takes Advantage of New Media

Abstract In the era of information, the use of new media is updated and spread quickly and have achieved a lot in the field of economy。 Meanwhile, by the influence of new media, the social state and international relations between people and states are changed a lot。 Cultures conflict and combine in different ways and the birth and development of the new media makes National Security a fatal point in international politics mediation。 ISIS has brought terrible threat to the peace of the Middle East area as well as the whole world。 This organization is particularly good at using new media and its strategy has been pretty mature since they can apply the new media in to its expansion, raising capital and talents construction。 People need to realize the importance of new media during the process to defeat ISIS while the current situation is quite embarrassing。

Keywords national security new media neo-terrorism media-panic media- terrorism

1 引言 1

2   新媒体造就新式恐怖zhuyi 2

2。1 ISIS“领跑”新式恐怖zhuyi 2

2。2 “媒介恐慌”和“媒介恐惧”是两大核心 3

2。3 ISIS 的新媒体运营链条成熟且发达 4

2。3。1 “官方”杂志—《DABIQ》 4

2。3。2 社交媒体 4

2。3。2。1 企图塑造“这个杀手不太冷”的组织形象 4

2。3。2。2 “成员招募战”效果显著 5

2。3。2。3 恐袭预告及其它宣传信息传播的重要舞台 6

2。3。3 利用“时髦招数”将组织“品牌化” 6

2。4 ISIS 利用新媒体形成资金、人才方面的“良性”循环 7
