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时间:2022-03-23 22:52来源:毕业论文



Sports TV broadcast commentary study - basketball commentary for example

Abstract: With the continuous development of athletic sports, the sports broadcasting has been an unprecedented opportunity, basketball live commentary team continue to grow stronger。 the arrival of the reform and opening up, the rapid development of productivity, the living standard of our country has been greatly improved, the sports commentary thus changed constantly, the popularity of television sports commentator changes have taken place in。 Through the efforts of several generations, the explanation of basketball development prospects got unprecedented attention。 This article through the literature material and inpidual case analysis found that the present problems of the sports commentary, analyze the sports commentary and comb, the following conclusions: The basketball commentary needs certain language level, for the narrator diction to have certain requirements, but for now, our country's basketball commentator industry did not establish a perfect language system, the lower level of the basketball commentary language specification。 Basketball announcers non-professional origins, resulting in sports professional knowledge reserves is insufficient, the resulting know said content is relatively empty, match analysis is not thorough, and even the audience for explanation has the feeling of tired。 Commentary language lacks a sense of humor, a lack of passion, and there is strong nationalism。 At the same time guide teams imbalance between men and women。 

Key words: China; Television; The basketball commentary 

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、体育电视节目的直播解说背景分析 2

(一)我国体育事业的进步 2

(二)体育电视节目的受众需要 3

二、篮球解说员风格特点的分析 3

(一)我国老一代解说员的解说特征 4

(二)我国现代解说员的解说风格 5

(三)国外体育解说员的状态 6

三、体育电视节目中篮球解说存在的问题 6

(一)解说员的专业知识匮乏 6

(二)体育直播解说当中存在过度情绪化 7

(三)解说员男女比例失调 8

(四)直播解说当中缺乏幽默感 体育电视的直播解说研究篮球解说为例:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_91547.html
