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时间:2022-03-23 22:48来源:毕业论文



Research on Emergency Mechanism Traditional Media Coverage of Social Events

Abstract: My emergency mechanism for social emergencies is still not perfect。 When faced with social emergencies, if the media can not intervene in time, the truth will make authoritative report to the audience, to provide early warning and crisis prevention knowledge, and transparency of information, correctly guide public opinion, then the rumor and rumors will be popular, to result in greater social panic [Fan Yaping。 "" SARS "the misunderstanding of the rumors" [J]。 news reporter, 2003]。 Looking back on traditional media in responding to domestic emergencies when social performance, China has set up an emergency mechanism, and more mature and professional, to promote relaxation and emergency treatment has played a certain role, but only a general framework, there are still some problems in implementation。 In this paper, the influence of traditional media in social emergencies reported in the establishment of emergency mechanisms, based on the necessity of using research method, case analysis systems such as the scientific method, the presence and use of the emergency response mechanism to improve the problems presented Measures of views, but also provide valuable reference for future emergency response mechanism to improve social emergencies。

   Keywords: traditional media; social events; media duties; force of public opinion

目    录 

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、传统媒体在社会突发事件的功能 2

 (一) 社会突发事件的报道对社会的影响 2

    (二)传统媒体在社会突发事件中的报道倾向 3

二、传统媒体建立社会突发事件应急机制的必要性 4

    (一)避免事态负面影响进一步扩大 4

     (二) 提高对于社会突发事件的处理效率 5

    (三)提升传统媒体的公信力 5

三、传统媒体在报道社会突发事件中所存在的问题 6

(一)新闻内容失真 6

(二)报道时间延迟 6

(三)人文关怀缺失 7

(四)信息时效降低 7

四、如何完善对于社会突发事件的应急机制 传统媒体在社会突发事件报道中应急机制研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_91545.html
