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时间:2021-07-16 23:42来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词  电视媒体 网络媒体 媒介融合 网络电视 手机电视

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title   On the integration and development of TV and network new media 


In recent years, with the development of our country's new technology industry and the popularization of the media technology, the choice of the media has become more and more and the momentum of the internet growth advance rapidly. Due to the rapid development of the Internet, China's television and new media show a trend of integration. 

Convergence of network and television media has been analyzed in this paper,by taking several new communicated  approaches,such as internet TV station,network TV,mobile Tv for examples,which studied not only the deep transformation from mass-communication to relationship-communication caused by convergence of network and television media,but also further from self-organization theory of Convergence of  network and television media.It is concluded that television would be mobile the interactive at any will,anywhere ,in the future.

The changes of television media content,communication modes,media frameworks,with converging of network and television media,have been discussed.And some relevant reformed measures have been proposed.

Keywords  TV media  network media  media convergence  network TV  mobile TV

目   次

1 引言 1

2  电视与新媒体融合的发展背景及现状 2

2.1 电视与新媒体融合的发展背景 2

2.2  融合时代背景下网络新媒体发展现状 3

2.3 融合时代背景下电视的发展现状 3

3  电视与网络新媒体融合动因及影响因素 6

3.1 电视与新媒体融合的特征动因 6

3.2影响电视与新媒体融合的因素 7

4  电视与新媒体融合模式与途径 10

4.1电视与网络新媒体融合的模式 10

4.2电视与网络新媒体融合的途径 11

5  电视与网络新媒体融合发展策略 15

5.1传播内容及形式的优化 15

5.2传播策略的整合 15

5.3电视产业链的转型 15

5.4创新网络化电视产业体制 16

5.5更新媒介组织结构 16

结论  18

致谢  19


1  引言

随着电子科学技术在全球的广泛应用,以网络为代表的新媒体正在以一种不可阻挡的势头迅猛发展,其方便快捷、实时性强、覆盖面广等特点,成为继报纸、广播、电视之后而形成的第四大媒体。由于新媒体几乎涵盖了传统媒体的各种属性,它正以一种后来者居上的气势,对传统媒体发起挑战。论文网 论电视与网络新媒体融合发展:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_78248.html
