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时间:2021-04-14 21:19来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the rapid development of technology and the ever-changing electronic technology, the social have entered into a "visual culture of the times". We are surrounded by a variety of visual symbols, at the same time, they become an essential part of our lives. In this "visual culture frenzy", Situation as vast visual culture craze swept out of control. Female image has become the focus of much attention, and increasingly become indispensable to modern life and visual fast food consumer goods. This makes the image of women in television advertising increasingly awkward situation. At the same time, visual culture has increasingly become the academic study and discussion topics enthusiastic. Today, the author will from the perspective of Visual Culture in the Context of the business community in television commercials female image analysis and interpretation. Hoping to open a new path, a new angle of vision from the Chinese Contemporary Female Images in cultural heritage and spiritual guide translate well.

Keywords: Visual culture, Female characters, Mass media


一、前言 4

二、文献综述 4

三、视觉文化理论的概述 5

(一)社会性别理论 5

(二)传播学理论 6

(三)传媒批判理论 6

四、电视广告中女性形象的视觉呈现 6

(一)贤妻良母型 7

(二)性感美女型 7

(三)贵妇淑女型 8

(四)现代职业型 8

五、视觉文化语境下的电视广告中女性形象有失偏颇的原因 9

(一)男权zhuyi下的男性视角是最主要的原因 9

(二)传统文化与商业文化相碰撞的产物 9

(三)大众传播媒介的推波助澜 10

六、关于如何解决电视广告中女性形象问题的思考 11

结语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14


随着改革开放的推进以及经济全球化的影响,广告业在我国开始蓬勃发展并已然成为一个新兴产业。同时,随着大众传播媒介的飞速发展,如电视、电影、手机、互联网等。我们进入了一个崭新的时代,它被称为“视觉文化时代”,视觉符号成为了这个时代中无法或缺的主导者。在视觉文化时代,视觉性是复杂而隐晦的,它的发展也不是乐观积极的,它渗透了社会文化权力,其复杂性不言而喻。它又隐藏在一切的文化文本中,是权力之间相互牵制约束的过程。论文网 视觉文化语境下的电视广告女性形象研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_73337.html
