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时间:2021-02-23 21:19来源:毕业论文
摘 要:《何为生活》微电影是从当代大学生看到的社会生活的角度去寻找问题发现问题解决问题进行创作的。社会是多彩纷呈的,很多的人在这个社会上以自己的方式活着,不一样的生

摘 要:《何为生活》微电影是从当代大学生看到的社会生活的角度去寻找问题发现问题解决问题进行创作的。社会是多彩纷呈的,很多的人在这个社会上以自己的方式活着,不一样的生活之路有不一样的精彩,或许会辛苦,或许会平凡,或许会充实,或许会安逸,但是他们无疑是生活的一份子。希望这个影片可以变现作为一个活着的人能够坚持自我,保持自己的生活态度,而不拘泥于来自社会的限制。而作为一个普普通通的人,作为大众的一员,我们在和其他人共同生活的时候,我们面对这些不同的生活形式,又应该保持一个怎样的对待态度的?有的人认为 这样的生活方式不好,有的人认为那样的生活方式不好。但是作为这样一个自由的时代,我们理应尊重每一个人的生活方式,因为每个人都有每个人自己生活的意义。从这个问题,引发我这样的一个思想“生活的定义是没有的,我们只需要遵循自己,按照自己的方式生活,去跟随生活的理想就可以了”。由此,我用分屏的手法在微电影中体现两种相互不同却又有想通之处的不同的生活体验,把握住画面的情绪感和形式感。63433


Abstract :"What is life" micro film is from the perspective of contemporary college students to see the social life to find problems and solve problems to create. The society is colorful, many people live in their own way in the society, not the same as the road of life is not the same wonderful, perhaps will be hard, may be ordinary, may be full, may ease, but they certainly are a part of life. I hope this film can be realized as a living person can insist on self, maintain their attitude towards life, and not rigidly adhere to the restrictions from society. As an ordinary person, as a member of the public, we live together with other people, we face these different habits, and should maintain a kind of attitude? Some people think that such a way of life is not good, some people think that way of life is not good. But as such an age of freedom, we should respect each inpidual's way of life, because everybody has their own way of life. From this question, I have such an idea that there is no concrete right or wrong, we should be happy to enjoy their lives rather than respond to the views of others". Therefore, I use split screen technique in micro film reflects two mutually different but have the same place of different life experience, grasp the picture of the emotional sense and sense of form.

Key Words: Perspective of life, attitude to life, society, respect, split screen, mood, form

目  录

  引 言  3



    (二)微时代的大众需求  6




    (二)微电影的优势  6




(二)《Here,my Life》戛纳获奖导演Kosai Sekine






  结束语 致  谢 9参考文献


现如今,电影业的发展已经到一种前所未有的境地,微电影也成为一种表达的主要方式。对于大众来说,短片浏览也成为很多人接受信息,接受情感,接受思想的主要方式,更多的人通过短片来获取信息和传达信息。 浅析微电影中的镜头运用微电影《何为生活》:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_69914.html
