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时间:2021-01-03 14:14来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:国产电影 喜剧 小成本 产业发展

Abstract In the film industry of fierce competition, only a small cost of comedy movies got to survive in the relaxed and humorous deductive way.And throughout the small cost of domestic comedy movies can be found that there is a part of the works unexpectedly could get word of mouth and win-win, it shows that the domestic cost little comedy still exist certain market prospect.This study with small cost of comedy as the research object, through literature research, study, film and television works, summary, analysis, summarized research methods, in-depth study on it.The study found that the output of domestic small film cost is increasing year by year, but great differences at the box office.Small cost of the current domestic comedy mainly exist the plot old rotten, form is greater than the connotation, the industry has many rules before.According to the research question, the author put forward some Suggestions.Due to the object of this study is targeted, so the research results can be used for reference in practice.   Key Words:Domestic comedy;Comedy;Small cost;The industrial development.

摘  要 I

Abstract I

一、绪  论 1

(一) 研究背景 1

(二) 研究意义 2

(三)研究思路 2

二、国产小成本喜剧电影的概念及分类 3

(一)国产小成本喜剧电影的定义 3

(二)国产小成本喜剧电影的分类及特点 3

三、国产小成本喜剧电影发展和现状 6

(一)国产小成本喜剧电影的发展历程 6

(二)国产小成本喜剧电影的数据现状 8

四、国产小成本喜剧电影存在的问题和对策 9

(一)情节俗烂,缺乏内涵 10

(二)形式大于内涵,避重就轻 10

(三)业内隐性行规 11

(四)建议与对策 12

结  语 14

致  谢 15

参考文献 16 

绪  论


经济的高速发展使得人们对生活质量的追求也越来越高,尤其是在日常娱乐消费方面,需求量日益增大,而电影作为日常消遣的一大领域,与我们的关系越来越密切。现如今,由于人们经济能力的提升,影院逐渐成为了我们日常生活中不可或缺的娱乐场所。一部影片是否被人们所钟爱,充分体现在该影片的票房和口碑上面,尤其是票房的金额,在直观上便可体现影片的吸引力。而随着电影票房纪录由百万到千万,再到现在的数十亿,正充分表现出了电影行业强大且蓬勃的生命力。 国产小成本喜剧电影的现状和问题:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_67748.html
