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时间:2020-09-17 20:00来源:毕业论文

摘要: 2013年10月湖南卫视一档亲子真人秀节目迅速走红荧屏和网络,节目真实地反映了每一个家庭的亲子关系和沟通方式,成为了人们争相议论的话题。本文通过对《爸爸去哪儿》中的五对父子或父女之间的亲子关系对比发现,以田亮父女和王岳伦父女为代表的放任型亲子关系容易造成子女娇惯、沟通地位不平等问题,以郭涛父子为代表的专制型亲子关系会使子女不愿与父母沟通、产生逆反心理等心理行为问题,而以张亮父子与林志颖父子为代表的民主型亲子关系为最佳亲子关系类型。此外,本文试图为专制型亲子关系和放任型亲子关系提供了一些改进亲子关系和改善亲子沟通的技巧,以期为建立和谐亲子关系和进行良好的亲子沟通提供有效的借鉴。56221


Abstract: In October 2013, human satellite TV reality show a family quickly popular screen and network, show truly reflects the parent-child relationship of each family and communication way, has become the people rushed to the topic of discussion. This article through to the dad where five of the parent-child relationship between father and son or father and daughter contrast found that represented by Liang Tian and Yuelun Wang between father and daughter of laissez-faire parent-child relationship is easy to cause children to spoil, communication status inequality, represented by Tao Guo and his son of authoritarian parenthood can make children do not want to communicate with parents, produce the psychological behavior problems, such as psychological inversion and represented by Liang Zhang and his son and look father and son democratic parent-child relationship is the best type of parent-child relationship. In addition, this article attempts to authoritarian parenthood and laissez-faire parent-child relationship provides to improve parent-child relationship and improve parent-child communication skills, in order to build a harmonious parent-child relationship and good parent-child communication in order to provide the effective reference.

Keywords: parent-child relationship, parent-child communication, "Dad where to go"


1 前言 4

2 各类型亲子关系及沟通方式分析——以《爸爸去哪儿》为例 4

2.1放任型亲子关系——以田亮父女与王岳伦父女为例 4

2.1.1王岳伦父女的放任溺爱型与田亮父女的放任养育型 4

2.1.2放任型亲子关系沟通间的不足 5

2.2专制型亲子关系——以郭涛父子为例 5

2.2.1郭涛父子在节目中的表现 5

2.2.2专制型亲子关系沟通间的不足 6

2.3 民主型亲子关系——以张亮父子与林志颖父子为例 6

2.3.1 张亮父子与林志颖父子的表现 6

2.3.2 民主型亲子关系的特点 6

2.3.3 民主型亲子关系的优点 6

3 改进亲子关系促进亲子沟通的技巧 7

3.1 放任型的亲子关系和亲子沟通改善措施 7

3.1.1 放任溺爱型 7

3.1.2 放任养育型 8

3.2 专制型的亲子关系和亲子沟通改善措施 8
