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时间:2023-12-18 22:08来源:毕业论文

摘 要:糖画源起于民间、盛行于民间,形成于劳动人民的日常生活中,通过劳动人民的智慧发明出来,所用工具也都来自于日常生活,与人民的民俗生活息息相通。它是民俗文化的形象载体,符合中华民族的审美传统。我们所研究的民间糖画纪录片,从守艺人到制作再到发展三个方面出发的,从而进一步总结为何民间传统文化逐渐消失,守艺人是如何守住这份民间艺术的。 92133



Abstract: Sugar painting originated in the folk, popular in the folk, formed in the daily life of the working people, by the wisdom of the laboring people invented, and the tools used are from daily life, and understands people's folk life。It is the image carrier of folk culture and conforms to the aesthetic tradition of the Chinese nation。We studied the folk of sugar painting documentary, from artists to make development from three aspects, further summarizes how traditional folk culture gradually disappear, observe how artists hold this folk art。来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

In the making of this documentary we combine what we have seen with the techniques and techniques we have learned。 Using traditional photography and editing techniques to make this traditional folk culture。 During the period, I took the camera of the mission, with the support and encouragement of the teachers, and with the full force of the team to complete the pre-production, mid-stage and later production。。

Key word: Folk traditional art,New media,Inheritance,camera

目   录

1  前言 4

2  纪录片简介创作准备及过程 4

3  摄像构思 5

3。1  主题 5

3。2  风格 5

3。2。1  镜头 5

3。2。2  角度 5

3。2。3  色彩 6

3。2。4  光线 7

3。3  景别 8

3。4  构图 9

3。5  后期意识 9

4  纪录片摄像创作中出现的难点问题 9

4。1  纪录片拍摄现场的复杂性 9

4。2  纪录片拍摄现场的不可重复性 10

4。3  纪录片拍摄现场的收音问题 10

结  论 11

参 考 文 献 12

致谢 13

1  前言论文网

随着时代的变迁和人类的进步,人们的生活方式发生巨大的改变。中国传统的以村庄为人们生活载体的生活方式迅速被城市化进程冲破。人们纷纷涌进城中,一种商业化、工业化、城市化的生活渐渐的取代了乡村的生活,这种变化是必然的。变化之下,给民间传统手工艺带来的冲突是不可小觑的。以前正所谓可是“七十二行,行行出状元。敲锣买糖,各干一行”。在短短的几十年时间里,这些行当迅速消失,如今在街头也难寻踪迹了。纪录片是一个广受欢迎的教学工具。[1]所以本设计结合着民间传统手艺糖画,以纪录片的形式呈现在大众眼前。把将要消失的民间手艺,让他重新出现在大众的视野里。 民间糖画纪录片摄像阐述:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_199736.html
