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时间:2018-06-28 11:17来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着互联网技术的飞速发展,新媒体应用层出不穷,新媒体对大众的影响力也日趋增强。尤其是微博应用的迅速发展和普及,为政务微博的建立和运用提供了机遇。伴随政务微博迅速发展的同时,政务微博运行中存在的诸多问题影响着政务微博功能的发挥。本文就以新浪微博为例,运用案例分析法、内容分析法等研究方法,重点论述政务微博的功能,进而分析其功能发挥的限制性因素以及相应的解决办法,旨在更好的认识政务微博并为政务微博完善和发挥其功能建言献策。24783
On the Function of the Government Micro-blog under the new Media Environment-—— Case Study Based on Sina Micro-blog.
    Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet technology, new media applications has emerged in an endless stream, the influence on the masses brought by the new media is also increasing. Especially the rapid development and popularization of micro-blog application  has provided the opportunity for the establishment and application of e-government micro-blog. With the rapid development of e-government micro-blog, many problems existing in the operation of government micro-blog have affected the government micro-blog function. This paper will take Sina micro-blog as an example,  use the methods of case analysis and content analysis, focus on the function of government micro-blog, and analyze restrictive factors of its function and the corresponding solutions, so that we can better understand government micro-blog and offer advice and suggestions for its perfection and fuctional role.
Key words:Government micro-blog; Function research; Sina micro-blog
 目    录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一 、新媒体环境下政务微博发展概况    2
二 、新媒体环境下政务微博的功能    2
(一)政府信息公开,满足公众知情权    2
(二)为民众排忧解难,化解社会矛盾    4
(三)主动设置议题,形成舆情中心    5
(四)满足公众诉求,便民服务接地气    6
(五)作为应对公共危机的公关武器,辟谣取信    6
(优尔)应对突发事件,回应社会关切    8
三、影响政务微博功能发挥的限制因素    9
(一)新媒体环境自由,内容公私难分    9
(二)管理机制不健全,缺乏长效发展机制    9
(三)政府工作人员媒介素养低,政务微博利用水平低    9
四 、新媒体环境下更好发挥政务微博策略    10
(一)正确树立内容定位    10
(二)完善微博运行机制    10
(三)建立与各方的系统联动机制    11
(四)提高基层政务微博的服务水平,提高政府媒介素养    11
参考文献    13
    一 、新媒体环境下政务微博发展概况 新媒体环境下政务微博的功能探究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_18407.html