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时间:2018-05-22 20:54来源:毕业论文

Analysis of voice in the use of the TV documentary
-    The "words of the Yangtze River" documentary series as an example
Abstract: With the mature language documentary film and television work, which acts as a voice in an increasingly important role. Documentary selection from reality, not only make the documentary sound more realistic response to real life, faithfully recording the state of modern life, enhancing people's lives, to reflect the reality of consciousness. Meanwhile, there are voices in the television documentary account of time and space, characterization, and enhance the realism, complete a specific narrative and rendering atmosphere role. It is not only confined to the external form of a brief description of the picture, but Vivid specific image. Voice in shaping a sense of pictorial space and also be a television documentary theme sublimation. As we all know, film and television work can be pided among the existing sound: Sound language, narration, music, the language of the three components. In this paper, the "words of the Yangtze River" documentary series A Case Analysis of the role of sound in the documentary.
Keywords: sound; television documentaries; saying the Yangtze River;
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、《话说长江》及电视纪录片概述界定    2
(一)电视纪录片概述    2
(二)《话说长江》概述    2
二、声音在《话说长江》系列纪录片中的积极运用    2
(一)声音的运用表现出很强的“纪实性”    3
(二)声音的运用使主体形象更丰满    3
(三)声音的恰当控制能加强感触力    4
三、声音在《话说长江》系列纪录片中的不足之处    5
(一)音乐的选择与运用随意性大    5
(二)解说词定位于影片的灵魂    6
(三)同期声不能够充分的挖掘和运用    6
四、声音在电视纪录片中恰当运用的建议和思考    7
(一)准确运用解说词    7
(二)灵活运用音乐    8
(三)恰当运用同期声    8
参考文献    10
近30年来,中国纪录片在不断发展变革,声音的创作和表现理念更加注重表现力和节奏感,影视作品当中,声音的作用越来越突出,声音已然成为电视纪录片的重要组成部分,但关于声音在影视作品中的运用还是没有达到令人满意的程度,电视纪录片以其独特的纪录方式诠释着真实的内涵和本质,而电视纪录片中各种各样的声音发挥着不同的作用,下面就让我们以《话说长江》为例探究声音在影视作品中的运用。 探析声音在《话说长江》电视纪录片中的运用:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_16108.html