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时间:2018-04-28 09:34来源:毕业论文

From the "Tiny Times" watching Chinese movies integrated marketing strategy
Abstract:Chinese film entered commercial operation field since 2002, in recent years Chinese film industry vigorous development, the domestic film also ushered in new opportunities and new challenges. Domestic movie you want to fierce market competition to win, through a successful marketing campaign. In a decade of industrial development, the prosperity of the Chinese film marketing is also under the Chinese film market to grow up. Now Chinese movie marketing has been mature, integrated marketing has become a necessary method for film promotion, but compared with foreign mature film marketing model, the Chinese movie marketing still need long-term development. This article from the current situation of China film marketing, movie "Tiny Times" marketing strategy as an example, from audience targeting, network marketing, multi-screen communication, marketing and other aspects of the topic of Chinese film integrated marketing strategy for analysis, , while the horizontal comparison Chinese Film integrated marketing conducted to explore new directions.
Key Words:Chinese film; Integrated marketing; "Tiny Times"
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、中国电影整合营销的发展    2
(一)国产电影的商业化运作    2
(二)中国电影整合营销的机遇与挑战    3
二、《小时代》的整合营销策略    5
(一)精准的受众定位    5
(二)“以‘微’带全”的营销策略    6
(三)跨终端的宣传体系    7
(四)“垄断排片”的营销战术    8
三、中国电影整合营销的未来前景    9
(一)“微传播”成为网络营销的必然途径    9
(二)移动平台成为全新营销战略要地    10
(三)跨屏营销应用成为重要策略    10
参考文献    12
自从1991年美国学者唐•舒尔茨提出了整合营销传播的理念后, “以分析消费者为起点,以消费者价值为核心重组企业和市场行为,综合使用各种沟通方式,以统一品牌形象、传播统一的产品及其服务信息,与消费者建立良好的双向互动关系。从而树立企业明晰稳固的品牌形象,建立品牌与消费者的长期友好关系,以更好实现品牌扩展目标,获得持续的竞争优势” 的策略已经成为决定电影商业收益的关键因素。
2013年中国电影市场年度票房达到217.69亿,相比前一年增长27.51%,其中国产电影票房达到127亿元,这也是国产电影年度票房首次超过百亿。从2004年中国电影产业化发展开始加速,到2013年中国电影市场年度票房突破200亿大关,中国电影市场呈现着惊人的跨越式增长。 从《小时代》看中国电影的整合营销策略:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_14336.html