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时间:2023-08-27 10:40来源:毕业论文



The improving gradually of people's living standard, the fitness and bodybuilding demand is growing, so as to promote the development of the fitness industry, make it become one of the industry now has the vigor and vitality。 Feelwell (Hangzhou) commercial fitness club (hereinafter referred to as Feelwell) as the biggest indigenous fitness chain brand in Hangzhou, as a personal trainer, its core products, much more attention by all aspects。 Nowadays private coaching career development is slow, professional level is uneven, cause bad effect to industry。 Therefore, for a private coach is crucial in the research of the development of the career。

This research mainly adopts questionnaire survey method, questionnaire survey was conducted to Feelwell trainer and member, mainly for personal trainer, career development, investigation and research, to improve personal trainer's quality, better service to the public。 Through the study concluded that Feelwell personal trainer career development at the initial stage, restricting factors is primarily to coach and industry standards。


   Keyword: career development;personal trainer;


目录 3

1前言 6

1。1问题的提出 6

1。2研究目的与意义 6

1。2。1提升私人教练从业素质,促进私人教练服务质量 6

1。2。2 重视私人教练素质培养,促进私人教练职业发展 6

1。2。3重视私人教练职业规划,完善私人教练培养体系 6

1。2。4 注重私人教练职业发展,促进私人教练行业规范 6

1。3研究现状 6

1。3。1国内研究现状 6

1。3。1。1私人教练概念的研究 6

1。3。1。2私人教练现状的研究 7

1。3。1。3私人教练职业素养的研究 7

1。3。2国外研究现状 7

2研究对象与方法 7

2。1研究对象 7

2。2研究方法 7

2。2。1文献资料法 8

2。2。2问卷调查法 8

2。2。3数理统计法 9

3。1菲力伟私人教练基本情况 9

3。1。1私人教练性别、年龄结构 9

3。1。2私人教练学历水平 菲力伟杭州商业健身俱乐部私人教练职业发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_195541.html
