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时间:2022-03-27 12:03来源:毕业论文



Abstract In order to understand the development situation of Xiamen University, Yang Guan sports, to promote the smooth development of Sunshine Sports in Xiamen University。 Xiamen University, Sunlight Sports Present Situation for the study, the use of literature, interviews, questionnaire and mathematical statistics and so on Current Situation Yang Guan Sports Xiamen University research, research results are as follows: Students participate in Sunshine Sports attitude, participation and interests are not high; school grounds equipment can not meet the needs of students to participate in physical exercise; school leaders and teachers to pay attention to the degree of sunlight sports is not high。 Through the above findings, we propose the following recommendations: increase the intensity of sunlight students to participate in sports; site equipment to increase investment; cause school leaders and teachers are highly valued。

Keywords: Xiamen University; Sunlight Sports undertaken; and Strategic Research


摘要 2

Abstract 3

1前言 5

2 国内外研究综述 5

2。1国外研究综述 5

2。2 国内研究综述 5

3研究对象与研究方法 7

3。1研究对象 7

3。3研究方法 7

3。3。1文献资料法 7

3。3。2问卷调查法 7

3。3。4数理统计法 8

4。研究内容与结果分析 8

4。1厦门大学阳光体育运动开展现状 8

4。1。1学生对开展“阳光体育运动”的态度 8

4。1。2学生参与阳光体育运动的动机 9

4。1。3学生参与阳光体育运动的时间和频率 9

4。1。4学生参与阳光体育运动社团情况 11

4。1。5教师对开展阳光体育运动的态度 11

4。2开展阳光体育运动的硬件设施情况调查 11

4。2。1学生对场地、器材的满意程度调查 11

4。2。2开展阳光体育运动的经费投入情况 12

4。3影响厦门大学阳光体育运动开展因素 13

4。3。1学生影响因素 13

4。3。2场地器材不能满足锻炼的需求 13 厦门大学阳光体育开展现状与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_91669.html
