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时间:2022-03-27 12:06来源:毕业论文

摘要篮球运动是一项深受青少年喜爱并且具有很好的教育与锻炼价值的运动,对促进学生的身心发展有很好的作用[[[]姚树彬。论郑州市高中男子篮球运动的开展现状与对策[J]。现代商贸工业, 2011,(17): 84-85。]]。因此篮球运动一直是学校体育的重要内容,要让篮球运动成为一种教育手段,发挥育人的作用[[[] 王栋。浅谈如何培养中职学生篮球运动兴趣[J]。生物技术世界,2012,(1):39。]]。



An investigation on the current situation of amateur basketball training in Zhenjiang City


Basketball is a popular favorite and adolescents have good educational value of sport and exercise, to promote students' physical and mental development have a good effect。 Therefore, basketball has always been an important part of school sports, to make basketball has become a means of education, educating people to play a role。

The Training amateur basketball to teenagers in Zhenjiang City as the research object, the use of literature, interviews, questionnaires and statistical data and other methods of Zhenjiang amateur basketball coaches trainees and research, the following conclusions : gender gap between the proportion of Zhenjiang amateur teen big trainees, trainees height is clearly insufficient; the age will remain at 15 years of age; the motivation to participate in basketball training is largely based on their own interests involved; students are willing to participate in basketball training, positive attitude towards basketball training。

Keywords: Zhenjiang City; adolescent amateur basketball; Research Status

目  录

0前言 5

1 国内外研究综述 6

1。1国外青少年篮球运动发展现状 6

1。2国内青少年篮球运动发展现状 6

2研究对象与研究方法 8

2。1研究对象 8

2。2研究方法 8

2。2。1文献资料法 8

2。2。2问卷调查法 8

2。2。3专家访谈法 9

2。2。4数理统计法 9

3 研究内容与分析 9

3。1镇江市青少年篮球学员现状分析 9

3。1。1镇江市青少年篮球学员性别情况 9

3。1。2镇江市青少年篮球学员身高情况 10

3。1。3镇江市青少年篮球学员年龄情况 11

3。1。4镇江市青少年篮球学员参加动机 11

3。1。5镇江市青少年篮球学员训练态度情况 12

3。2镇江市从事青少年业余篮球培训教练员现状分析 13

3。2。1青少年篮球教练员年龄情况 镇江市青少年业余篮球培训现状调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_91671.html
