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时间:2017-06-23 21:27来源:毕业论文

关键词:股权激励  上市公司  投资行为10715
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title  Based on the stock ownership incentive listed companies in China investment behavior research
In reality, many companies investment behavior often have Bob in maximizing the value of target, make the actual investment spending from different degree of the optimal investment scale that is not enough investment or excessive investment appears the efficiency of investment. The stock ownership incentive with the production and the development of the modern research of corporate governance of listed company equity incentive to company investment behavior way to become a very valued topic.
This paper studies the implementation of equity incentive system of our country to be listed's investment behavior, equity incentives for management impact on let manager or pay attention to short-term interests, or focus on long-term long-term gain. The company investment includes tangible assets and intangible assets investment investment, this paper mainly studies the listed companies in China investment behavior by the influence of the option incentive system. This paper on the content of the research process mainly USES theoretical research and case studies based on the method of combining the listed companies in China investment behavior.
Keywords  Equity incentives  Listed company  Investment behavior
1引言    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究意义    2
1.3研究内容    2
2理论分析和文献综述    3
2.1股权激励概述    3
2.2企业投资行为概述    4
2.3相关理论    5
2.4股权激励对投资行为影响的文献综述    8
3我国上市公司股权激励和投资行为的现状和存在问题    10
3.1我国上市公司投资行为的现状    10
3.2我国上市公司投资行为存在的问题    11
4关于引导基于股权激励的我国上市公司投资行为的对策    12
4.1改变政府政绩的整体考核    12
4.2增强上市公司的资金监督    12
4.3加强公司内部的管理和考核    12
4.4提高高层管理者的职业道德    13
5深圳万科基于股权激励的投资行为的案例分析    14
5.1深圳万科公司简介    14
5.2深圳万科股权激励的动因和实施方案    14
5.3深圳万科股权激励方案的实施结果    16
5.4基于股权激励的深圳万科投资行为结果的分析    16
5.5深圳万科案例给予的启示    16
 致谢    18
参考文献    19
1  引言
1.1  研究背景
随着我国经济逐步实现规模化和国际化,企业所有者限制于自身能力和精力,不可能也不会亲自打理企业,需要聘请专业管理者管理企业,由此出现所有者提供资源,管理者从事管理工作。随着公司股权日益分散和管理技术的日益复杂化,专业管理者的工作量和专业要求越来越高,公司为了合理激励公司管理人员,创新激励方式,纷纷推行了股票期权等形式的股权激励制度。在随后的实践中,公司的所有者意识到了聘请管理者管理公司的制度的优越性,所以对管理者的需求很大,但是,由于受到人才条件的制约难以满足日益出现的公司,所以对于管理者的激励和挽留显得极为重要。 基于股权激励的我国上市公司投资行为研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_9842.html