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时间:2022-09-17 21:05来源:毕业论文



然后,用Solidworks三维制图软件对脚踏式封箱机的机械机构进行三维建模,以便形象地表示出脚踏式封箱机的工作原理以及机械结构。对重要零件进行受力分析并用Solidworks 中的Simulation插件对零件进行静力学有限元分析,来检验结构设计是否满足强度要求。根据静力学分析的结果对设计缺陷或强度不满足设计要求的零件进行修改。用Solidworks Motion进行运动学分析,方便表示出脚踏式封箱机的工作过程。

最后,绘制脚踏式封箱机的Auto Cad二维机械图纸。


AbstractThe Pedal sealing machine is one of mechanical box nailing machines。 The user can nail boxes by footing the pedal of the machine which will complete the procedure of nailing boxes through a series of mechanical structure。 Finally, the machine will reset when users release the pedal。 The main content of this paper is to design the mechanical structure of pedal sealing machine to meet the above requirements。 In this design, the main content is the design of the structure of nailing function and solving the request of resetting。

First of all, the author collected the relevant information of the sealing machines and understanding the development of the domestic and international sealing machines and the trend of development in the future。 The author also analyzed the market demand of various types of sealing machines and knows where to use。 At last, the author decided to design single mechanical foot sealing machine whose demand is still high in the domestic market。 Through the analysis of the pedal box sealing machine’s working principle and process, the author determined the design of the structure of nailing function of the pedal box sealing machine by imitating the mechanical structure of the ordinary stapler。

Then, the three-dimensional model of the mechanism of the pedal sealing machine is made by using Solidworks software in order to express the mechanical structure and working principle of the pedal sealing machine。 Also Solidworks Simulation is used to analyze the structure and the finite element analysis in order to verify whether the structural strength meets the requirements。 According to the results of the analysis, we need to improve the design of the structure which is unreasonable or unable to meet the requirements of strength。 To carry out the kinematic analysis Solidworks Motion is used so that the working process of the pedal type sealing machine is apparent。

Finally, the mechanical structure of the mechanical structure of the machine is transformed into Cad Auto 2D drawings。

Keywords: mechanical structure design; box; packaging machine; box nailing machine; finite element analysis


第一章 绪论 1

1。1选题的原因及意义 1

1。2国内外研究现状 1 Solidworks脚踏封箱机的结构设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_99510.html
