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时间:2022-11-06 10:23来源:毕业论文

摘要中小型民用飞机的起落架设计是中小型民用飞机设计的初步,我国正在进行中小 型民用飞机的研制开发工作,在中小型民用飞机方面的研究还处在起步阶段,虽然 C919 的研制成功为我国的民用中小型飞机的研发积累了宝贵的经验,但是起落架部 分的很多零部件还需要依赖进口,起落架的设计体系还没有完整的建立。因此本文从 方案设计开始入手,展开民用中小型飞机起落架的研究设计工作,对起落架设计体系 的建立具有较大的实际意义。86006

本文首先根据国外有关中小型飞机起落架的设计经验,对某型民用中小型飞机主 起落架关键部件进行了参数设计估算。通过对起落架本身的受力分析,结合起落架各 部件材料的选用,确定起落架的各部件的详细尺寸值。再通过 ANSYS 对起落架在飞机 静置状态下,滑行状态下,起落架整体及侧支撑的静力学特性分析,得出了最可能发 生破坏的应力集中部位及其最大应力值;最后依据强度设计原则,对起落架的危险部 位进行强度设计,满足恶劣工作环境下起落架的稳定性及安全性。


Abstract Small civil aircraft landing gear design is the beginning of the small civil aircraft design, our country is carrying on the research and development work of small civil aircraft。 The research of the small civil aircraft is still in initial stage, although the success of C919 has accumulated valuable experience for China's civil small aircraft research and development, but many parts of the landing gear also need to rely on imports。 The design systems of the landing gear haven't established integrity。 Therefore, I do the research of the program design first, and may has great practical significance to the establishment of the landing gear design system。

Firstly, according to the design experience overseas about small civil aircraft landing gear, making sure the certain type of civil small aircraft main landing gear rack key components were design parameters estimated by landing gear itself force analysis, combined with landing gear components of material selection to determine landing gear components with size value。 By using ANSYS of landing gear in the aircraft static state, the sliding condition, landing gear structure and lateral support static characteristics analysis, draw the most likely damage to the stress concentration position and its maximum stress value。 Finally according to the strength design principle, on the dangerous parts of the landing gear need to strength design, to meet the landing gear’s stability and safety   on

harsh working conditions。

Key words: landing gear, retraction mechanism, size estimation, ANSYS;


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 工程背景 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。3 研究内容 3

第二章 起落架总体方案设计 5

2。1 引言 5

2。2 轮胎选择 5

2。2。1 四轮情况轮胎选择 5

2。3 轮胎布置及车架尺寸计算 6

2。4 收放机构各部件尺寸参数计算 8

2。4。1 起落架收放机构各部件的设计 9

本章小结 12

第三章 主起落架三维模型绘制 13

3。1 引言 ANSYS飞机起落架收放机构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_101659.html
