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时间:2022-09-12 21:52来源:毕业论文

摘要被称为“黑色污染”的东西就是指废旧轮胎,作为一个全球性的问题其回收和 加工技术一直被世界各国不断地研究,如何有效的,安全的处理棘手的废旧轮胎,已 经成为环境保护的一个主要问题。83982

湿法烟气脱硫工艺是一种运行稳定可靠、技术相对成熟、可以综合利用副产物、 原材料资源多易采取、装置工作效率和除硫效率相对高的方法、查阅相关文献后,本 文采用的除硫系统是石灰石-石膏系统,进行了数学建模。体积相对小的袋式除尘器, 在价格上有着很大的优势,而且使用安全,在处理多种粒径的粉尘,本文查阅相关文 献和设计手册后设计计算了废轮胎热解装置中除尘脱硫系统所采用的设备的常数,并 根据所得参数选取设备型号,并对袋式除尘器的灰斗建立三维模型通过 Ansys 软件进 行结构力学的有限元分析,通过系统设计和有限元分析所得的结论,增加灰斗壁的厚 度可以提高袋式除尘器的使用寿命,增加灰斗高度可以减少除尘器的变形,采取两组 除尘器比采取一组的效率高一些,增加喷淋塔高度可以使系统脱硫的效率提高。

毕业论文关键词:袋式除尘器; 湿式脱硫; 喷淋塔; 模型; 灰斗建模

Abstract Known as "black pollution" refers to old tires, as a global problem the recycling and processing technology has been consistently research around the world, how to effectively, security in dealing with a tricky old tires, has become a major problem of environmental protection。

Wet flue gas desulfurization process is a stable and reliable technology is relatively mature, comprehensive utilization of by-products, raw material resources more easily take the device efficiency and sulfur in addition to a relatively high efficiency of the method, after the relevant literature, this paper, in addition to sulfur system is limestone - gypsum system for mathematical modeling。 A relatively small volume of bag filter, the price has a great advantage, and the use of safety, handling a wide variety of dust particle size, design and calculation of the article after the relevant literature and Design Manual pyrolytic devices dust desulfurization system used by the constant device and select the device model based on the obtained parameters。 And the establishment of three-dimensional model of the baghouse hopper by Ansys software for finite element structural mechanics analysis。 Through system design and finite element analysis to the conclusion, increasing the thickness of the wall of the hopper bag filter can improve life and increase the height of the hopper dust can reduce the deformation of dust than to take two to take a group of high efficiency some increase the spray tower height allows the system to improve  the efficiency of desulfurization。

Keywords: baghouse ; wet desulfurization; spray tower; model ; modeling hopper

目 录

一、绪论 1

1。1 废轮胎热解装置中除尘脱硫的意义和目的 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 3

1。3 设计任务及内容 4

二、除尘脱硫系统的说明和设计 6

2。1 工艺基础知识 6

2。2 主要处理单元的设计计算 12

2。3 脱硫设备设计 18

2。4 湿法脱硫简介和设计 21

2。5 脱硫中喷淋塔的计算 23

2。6 烟囱设计 25

2。7 管网的设置 Ansys废轮胎热解装置中除尘脱硫系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_99346.html
