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时间:2022-09-04 22:14来源:毕业论文

摘 要切削介质对于环境的污染与切削环境空气质量的安全问题是我国当前机械制造 业的难题之一。然而静电雾化射流切削以其良好的冷却、润滑、低耗、低污染等综合 性能得到了机械制造界的普遍关注、推广及应用,但静电雾化射流切削产生的切削油 雾会严重恶化切削场所的空气环境质量,危害工作人员的身体健康。因此,本文从保 障切削环境空气质量的安全角度出发,进行切削参数条件下的静电雾化射流切削试 验,研究各参数对切削空气质量的影响,优化各参数。本文的主要工作如下:83825

(1)进行静电雾化射流切削实验,揭示了喷射靶距、刀具转速、润滑油用量以 及电压等参数对机床油雾浓度的影响,为切削空气环境质量的安全分析提供了宝贵的 数据支持。

(2)通过 FA-3 型气溶胶粒度采样器,搭建静电雾化射流切削空气环境质量检 测平台,分析了喷射靶距、刀具转速、润滑油用量、电压等参数对切削油雾 PM10 和 PM2。5 浓度的影响。


Abstract Cutting medium for environmental pollution and cutting of ambient air quality security problem is one of the difficult problem of mechanical manufacturing in our country。 However electrostatic atomization jet cutting with its good cooling and lubrication, low consumption, low pollution and so on comprehensive performance got the attention of the mechanical manufacturing industry, promotion and application of the electrostatic atomization jet cutting of the cutting oil mist will be seriously deteriorated cutting sites of air environmental quality, harm to the health of the workers。 Therefore, this article from the security perspective, to safeguard the quality of cutting air cooling and lubrication in different parameters and cutting parameters under the condition of electrostatic atomization jet cutting test, study the effects of cutting parameters on the air quality, the parameters optimization。 In this paper, the main work is as follows:

(1)Electrostatic atomization jet cutting experiment, reveals the target distance, jet cutting tool rotation speed, oil consumption, and affect the performance ofelectrostatic atomization parameters such as voltage, for cutting the environmental air quality safety analysis provides valuable data to support。

(2)Through the FA - 3 type of aerosol particle sampler, electrostatic atomization jet cutting air environment quality testing platform, analyses the target distance, jet parameters such as tool rotation speed, oil consumption, the voltage of the influence of the cutting oil mist concentration of PM10 and PM2。5。

Keywords: Electrostatic atomization, the air environmental quality, atomization characteristics, oil mist concentration


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究背景与意义 1

1。2 静电雾化射流切削技术概述 2

1。3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 2

1。4 研究内容与目标 3

1。4。1 研究内容 3

1。4。2 研究目标 3

第二章 静电雾化射流条件下空气质量检测 4

2。1 静电雾化切削系统组成 4

2。2 油雾浓度检测方案 5

2。2。1 切削空气质量检测标准 5

2。2。2 切削环境油雾的检测与采样技术 6

2。2。3 静电雾化油雾浓度试验检测装置 静电雾化射流切削空气质量检测与分析:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_99020.html
