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时间:2020-11-30 20:45来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词    引信技术  英文  文献整理   


Title    English art literature of fuze research          

Abstract Fuze technology is a multidisciplinary field of crystallization of new technologies, is one of the key defense technologies.For a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of foreign fuze technology developments,Fuze by collecting foreign technical literature in English, reading and translation of key documents, and then a systematic analysis,So as to determine the direction of development of the domestic fuze technology to provide a reference.This article is finishing inspection reports meet the requirements of science and technology (AD reports) of 31, J (EI) of 98 papers, patent literature (U.S. Patent Office, the European Patent Office)  of 314.Finally it is found that the United States is comprehensive in terms of the technical content of  fuze and have more patents. Some new concepts and tech in fuze mostly proposed first by the United States. In the retrieval,it has a great overlap berween in AD reports and EI in technical.so only search AD report can greatly reduce the workload without losing the integrity and accuracy of information. U.S. patents have a broader, content-rich technical and completely covering the European Patent. In addition, fuse mostly mean fuse for the current, can not be retrieved.

Keywords  Fuze  English  Literature


1  引言(或绪论) 1

2  科技报告(AD报告)及其检索 2

2.1信息简介 2

2.2  AD报告检索 3

3  期刊论文(EI)及其检索 7

3.1 EI信息简介 7

3.1.1 简介 7

3.1.2 类型 7

3.1.3收录要求 8

3.2 EI检索 9

3.3 EI简要分析 11

4  美国专利商标局及其专利检索 15

4.1美国专利商标局简介 15

4.2 美国专利商标局专利检索 16

5  欧洲专利局及其专利检索 22

5.1  欧洲专利局简介 22

5.1.1 基本信息 22

5.1.2机构设置 22

5.1.3 保护特点 22

5.2 欧洲专利局专利检索 引信英文技术文献信息研究:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_65429.html
