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时间:2020-10-25 20:07来源:毕业论文




Abstract With the development of economy, the demand for oil and natural gas is getting bigger and bigger. In order to meet the increasing demand, the exploitation platform is gradually developing in order to develop more oil fields. The construction of deepwater semi submersible drilling platform is a huge project, which occupies 1/3 of the engineering quantity in the construction process of the project. In deep-sea semi submersible drilling platform needs to experience the ocean is very complex and harsh environment, whether it is the sea waves on the weld test, the same seawater corrosion of weld also on weld proposed very high requirements. However, the quality of the weld is related to the overall performance of the equipment, so the quality requirements of the semi submersible drilling platform for the welding seam is very high.

This paper mainly from the project management point of view, the large offshore drilling platform for the analysis of the welding management, for the development of China's industrial technology to provide theoretical research significance.

Keywords:  Deep sea floating drilling platform; semi submersible platform; steel structure; welding management system

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2  研究内容 3

第二章  工程管理的研究现状 4

2.1 国外研究现状 4

2.2 国内研究现状 5

2.3半潜式钻井平台的结构与特点 6

第三章 焊接工艺策划 9

第四章  钻井平台焊接管理研究 12

4.1  焊接工作WBS分解 12

4.2  焊接质量管理模块 13

4.3 焊接编码的编制 13

4.3.1  焊缝检验跟踪管理 13

4.3.2 焊缝数据采集 14

4.3.3  焊缝质量管理 14

4.3.4 焊接材料定额 16

第五章 大合拢焊接工序管理 19

总结 21

致  谢 22

参 考 文 献 23 

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义

随着经济的发展,各行各业对机械设备的需求越来越大,同时,机械设备的制造业越来越大、越来越复杂。为了应对未来深海资源开发,满足人类资源需求的同时,钻井平台的设计制造也越来越先进。深海半潜式钻井平台的制造是整个机械、材料、焊接、半潜式钻井平台等综合性的高科技综合性产业。 半潜式钻井平台焊缝管理技术研究+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_63684.html
