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时间:2024-06-05 21:35来源:95533





ABSTRACT:With the gradual reduction of energy around the world, the importance of marine resources is self-evident, has become a national industrial development needs. For now, oil and gas resources become an indispensable source of modern industrial progress, submarine mining must have efficient and safe deep-water pipeline connection technology. In this paper, according to the exploitation environment of China's sea area, the design parameters of connector design are analyzed, and a typical and efficient quick connector is designed for the connection of complex deep sea oil and gas pipelines.

According to the domestic and foreign design of the tube connector connector related literature, first proposed the overall design of the claw connector and its submarine operating process; according to the connector in the complex working environment in the seabed, select the appropriate metal lens pad, then design the tube The most important jaw connector of the sink connector, which is a key component with a claw, drive ring, etc., is used to determine the relevant claw horn angle, drive ring size, etc. so that the connector can be sealed by self-locking.

The deep sea environment is extremely poor, and the connector connector must be completed in the water on the pipeline fixed, so the need to analyze the connector jaw connector can withstand the ability of external load to test the joint parts of the material, size, structural design reasonable And then verify the reliability of its joints. In this paper, the relationship between the applied load and the displacement of the upper and lower flanges at the time of sealing failure is summarized by theoretical calculation. The finite element software is used to simulate the loading state of the jaw joint, and the range of tension and pressure can be obtained. According to the analysis results, the relationship between the sealing force and the surface stress is studied.

Keywords: deep water pipe;tube connector; the finite element


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2课题来源、目的及意义 1

1.3深海管汇连接器国内外研究现状与发展趋势 2

1.4论文研究的主要内容 3

第二章卡爪连接器方案设计 深海管汇连接器设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204113.html
