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时间:2018-05-29 21:40来源:毕业论文

本设计采用全连续轧制生产工艺,全线共有轧机18架,其中粗轧机6架,中轧机6架,精轧机6架,终轧最大轧制速度为16m/s。采用主要工艺流程为选定坯料→加热→除鳞→轧制(粗、中、精轧)→冷却(水冷、风冷)→打捆→检查→入库 。棒材以定尺交货,横列式、半连续式、全连续式各种轧机都可以进行生产。采用全连续式平立交替布置轧机,以保证产量减少事故。
毕业论文关键词: 车间设计;孔型设计;棒材
This is the technology design for producing 900,000 tons of hot rolled bar workshop per year.Round steel with diameter of 16 mm is chosen as typical product of the workshop to be designed. And we carry out national standard during the production
.We use continuous rolling technology ,there is 18 mill in common ,6 for roughing mill ,6 for medium mill ,6 for finishing mill . The largest end mill speed is about 16m/s .This paper also analyzed the contemporary rod production in China. A series of problems to be solved are put forward. The design bases on the design paper, which firstly states the development. The necessity and possibility of setting up a plant are also discussed.
Then the design is set out in certain procedures, mainly including the making of product outline, choosing mills, choosing pass system, designing of pass in typical products force and energy parameters calculating and checking, auxiliary equipment, choosing workshop arrangement.
Keywords: workshop design,pass design,bar
目  录
摘  要    I
目  录    III
引  言    1
第1章 文献综述    2
1.1我国线棒材发展现状    2
1.1.1 产能高    2
1.1.2 生产装备参差不齐    2
1.1.3 管理水平逐年提高    3
1.1.4 高质量、高附加值的经济线材少    3
1.2棒材的种类和用途    3
1.3市场对棒材的质量要求    4
1.4棒材的生产特点    4
1.5棒材的生产工艺    4
1.5.1 坯料    4
1.5.2 加热和轧制    5
1.5.3 棒材的冷却和精整    6
1.6棒材轧制的发展方向    6
1.6.1 连铸坯热装热送或连铸直接轧制    6
1.6.2 柔性轧制技术    6
1.6.3 高精度轧    7
1.6.4 继续提高轧制速度    7
1.6.5 低温轧制    7
1.7棒材生产的目的和意义    8
第2章 建厂依据和产品大纲    9
2.1建厂依据    9
2.2厂址的选择    9
2.2.1建厂地区选择应考虑的要求    10
2.2.2建厂地址的选择    10
2.3 产品大纲的确定    11
2.3.1 产品的标准    11
2.3.2 产品大纲编制时应注意的问题    11
2.3.3 产品方案的主要内容    12
2.4 产品质量    12
2.5 产品大纲    13
2.6坯料选择    14
2.7 坯料选用所考虑因素    15 年产45万吨棒材车间工艺设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_16579.html