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时间:2022-08-20 15:49来源:毕业论文

摘要波浪补偿控制系统可以使海上的船只在进行补给时,抵消风浪对于 船只的影响, 保障其的安全作业。在补给过程中,受到不规律的风浪的影 响,补给船和被补给船也会随之做不规律的起伏运动。因为两只船只之间 的相对运动和相对空间的变化没有规律可循,在补给最后的吊放阶段的时 候,货物与被补给船在放置的时候容易发生碰撞事故,造成一系列的不必 要的经济损失。这种操作有点复杂, 需要有经验的操作手才可以安全的进 行海上补给作业,这种海上补给的特点,也使船舶之间的补给带来了相当 大的困难。主动式海浪波浪补偿主要是对货物的放置进行控制,让集装箱 在卸载的过程中,使货物和被补给船之间的相对距离保持平稳性,保证安 全作业。83293

本论文主要是研究海上主动式波浪补偿系统的工作特性,并对该系统 进行理论分析计算,然后通过仿真软件对该系统进行控制研究。主要工作 分为以下几部分:

该系统主要通过改装现代船舶的装置, 完成海上主动式波浪补偿的控 制。需要对系统元件进行选型,并初步绘制系统执行时的结构简图。

然后,通过进行一系列的设计计算,选定液压系统中的各主要元件。 通过对系统的各个执行环节进行分析,得出相应的数学模型和传递函数, 并由此生成该系统的仿真模型。

最后,用 MATLAB 中的 SIMULINK 对该主动式波浪补偿进行仿真研究。 研究表明, 应用 PDF 控制可以让该系统具备较好的控制效果,满足系统的 控制要求。毕业论文关键词:主动式波浪补偿系统;电液比例阀控制;PDF(伪微分)控制;系统仿真;

Abstract Wave compensation control system is one of the necessary equipment for ensuring the safety of ship supplies operation。 During the  processing  of  the supply operation, the tender and the supplied ship will  move  irregularly by the effect of wind。 The relative motion of two ships is randomness, so at the end of supply operation, it is possibility for the container hitting  the  ship  board  when they closing and make lots of economic losses。 The characteristics of the supply operation on sea pose lots of difficult for the supply operation, so the marine supply operation only could be controlled by the workers whom with rich operation experience。 However, during the process of the supply operation, the active wave compensation feedback control system  could  ensure  the  safety of the operation through keeping the distance  between  the  container  and  ship board stability。

The paper design the system of Waver Compensator based on the movement characterize  of  waver  Compensator , and  analyze  the  system  in  theory。 And research the control law based on the computer simulation carried out。 The main work as followed:

The  original  intention of  this  control system  is designed through the modification of existing ship equipment to achieve the goal of active wave compensation。 Based on the consideration of design requirement, make the preliminary selection and draw the picture of executing agency of this system。

Secondly, we could make choice of main components of  the  Hydraulic System through the calculation,analyze those components in theory,and then calculate the  Mathematical Model and  Transfer Function。 On  this  basis, we  can establish emulation models of this  system。

Finally, make simulation of this control system through  the Simulink software。 The result of simulation shows that with  the  PDF  controller,  the control system could achieve perfect control effect and fulfilled the control requirement ideally。 MATLAB主动式波浪反馈控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_98092.html
