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时间:2022-01-18 22:44来源:毕业论文

随着计算机网络和移动互联技术的飞速发展,加之企业会议数量的不断增多、滋生 的会议信息量逐渐庞大,传统的手工会议管理方式已经远远不能适应信息传递、工作效 率的要求,并表现出明显的弊端和不足。因此,会议管理迫切需要引入现代计算机技术 加以实现。77168

本文的主要研究内容是以 ASP。NET MVC 为基本框架的会议管理系统,设计并实现会 议管理的各项基本功能。本文首先分析了 Web 系统开发的研究现状,并以 ASP。NET MVC 作为系统的基本架构模式,采用 B/S 结构,SQL Server 数据库技术等 Web 技术来实现此 会议系统。该系统主要实现了以下几个功能:会议注册、会议创建、个人信息维护、对 会议申请截止时间、会议人数、会议案例、会议状态的在线分享等功能。本文所设计的 会议管理系统可以应用于各种场合,提高会议效率和节约管理成本。

关键词 会议管理 MVC 框架 ASP。NET Web

毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

Title The design and implementation of a meeting management

  system based on MVC framework


With the rapid development of computer network and mobile Internet technology, The number of enterprise meetings has been increased continuously, leading to a tremendous amount of meeting information。 Under this situation, the traditional mode of manual management is far from efficient to satisfy the requirements of information transmission and the work efficiency, demonstrating its shortcomings and insufficiency。 Therefore, the management of meetings is under urgent requirement of employing modern computer techniques for implementing it。

The main research task of this thesis is a meeting management system based on MVC framework that designs and implements a variety of basic functionalities of meeting management。 This thesis starts with an analysis on the current research status of Web system development。 By using ASP。NET MVC as the basic system architecture mode, this project utilizes B/S structure and SQL Server database technology to implement the proposed meeting management system。 This system mainly implements the following functionalities: meeting registration, meeting creation, personal information maintenance, setting meeting deadlines, setting number of attendees, setting meeting instances, and online sharing of meeting status etc。 The meeting management system proposed in this thesis can be applied to various scenarios for the purpose of improving meeting efficiency and reducing management cost。

Keywords  Meeting management  MVC framework  ASP。NET MVC  Web system development

本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

1 引言 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 研究现状 1

1。3 主要研究内容 2

1。4 论文结构 2

2 基础理论知识及相关技术介绍 4

2。1 MVC 模式 4

2。1。1 MVC 的发展历程 asp.net+sqlserver会议管理系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_88662.html
