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时间:2018-04-12 22:31来源:毕业论文

摘 要在网络运行中,经常需要对网络设备间交换的信息进行监控和分析,在网络流量分析中可以根据不同的需要对网络设备的全部流量或部分流量进行  ,然后再进行深入分析,本文叙述和开发了一种简洁方便网络流量分析工具,可以有效的对流经本机网络数据包进行监控,方便用户判断本地网络运行情况,有效弥补操作系统自带的分析工具的不足。
本文所叙述的系统从实际的需求出发,建立于网络数据包捕获、TCP/IP原理的基础之上,并采用了面向对象的方法,使得开发出来的程序具有面向对象的特点,提高代码的重用率,减少开发的资源消耗,并进行了需求分析与功能设计,在Visual C++6.0环境下进行开发,综合采用了Socket-Raw、注册表编程和IP助手API等VC编程技术,在原有的需求分析上,对主要功能的实现方案和技术细节进行了详细的分析与设计,并通过测试,最终实现了数据包的捕获与统计等主要功能,达到了预定的系统开发需求,为网络管理员了解网络运行状态,监控网络流量信息提供了数据参考和技术支持。
 Design and implementation of network traffic monitoring system
In network run in the, often needs on network equipment between Exchange of information for monitoring and analysis, in network flow analysis in the can according to different of needs on network equipment of all flow or part flow for, then again for in-depth analysis, this described and development has a simple convenient network flow analysis tool, can effective of convection by this machine network data package for monitoring, convenient user judgment local network run situation, effective cover operating system since with of analysis tool of insufficient.
Network during the run, whether it's for information security reasons, sake is the unity in order to ensure the integrity of the data, or for any other special needs, require exchange of information between network devices on a regular basis monitoring and classification of information flow, detailed analysis through after their initial classification, to obtain the required network statistics.
Yet in such a huge network data flow and data flow packet format under the complex and ever-changing background, network administrator for network traffic monitoring and analysis are needed with modern high quality technical platform or proprietary software support to meet a wide variety of flow monitoring and analysis of a wide variety of data packages.
This by described of system from actual of needs departure, established Yu network data package captured, and TCP/IP principle of based above, and used has-oriented object of method, makes development out of program has-oriented object of features, improve code of reuse rate, reduced development of resources consumption, and for has needs analysis and features design, in Visual C++6.0 environment Xia for development, integrated used has Socket-Raw, and registered table programming and IP Assistant API, VC programming technology, Demand analysis on the original, main features and technical details of the programme carried out a detailed analysis and design, and passed the test, finally achieved his main features such as packet capture, and statistics, reaching a predetermined amount of system development requirements, network administrator for network operation, monitor network traffic information provides the data for reference and technical support. VC++网络流量监控系统设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_13069.html