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时间:2018-04-01 20:35来源:毕业论文

Factors of successful international      professional exhibition overseas transplant
Abstract:  For a long time,product made in China is the synonymous with low-cost in the international market. Also it has a cost advantage, the brand is relatively poor. Coupled with the concept of brand management, the brand value and scale of operations, the degree of market globalization, the world market share, the technological level of development, especially, the elimination from the foreign trade barriers and challenges of intellectual property rights, we have to face a long and tough journey.
    With the lack of brand strategy, in particular, the importance and urgency of the international development of the brand, the models and specific methods of the international brand development strategy, as well as the not deepen and systematic   theoretical study and the short history, all the factors above are bound to bring more adverse effects in the future competition . As a special emerging industry, it can be used as a showcase to display economy and concepts to get rid the persistently impression that product made in China is always low-quality and low-cost.
Key words: Professional exhibition,Overseas market,Overseas transplant
一、绪论    1
(一)研究意义    1
(二)研究背景    2
1、国内展览业发展现状    2
2、上海现状    2
3、UFI统计    2
二、研究综述    4
(一)专业展    4
(二)海外市场    4
(三)海外移植    4
三、上海会展业的发展    5
(一)城市交通条件    5
(二)会展场馆建设    5
(三)面临的问题    5
(四)发展的趋势    6
四、国际专业展海外移植的案例分析    7
(一)成功案例——汽配展(AMS)    7
1、AMS简介    7
2、AMS进入中国    7
3、AMS在中国的发展    9
(二)失败案例——2013百分百设计展上海100%design Shanghai    13
(三)影响因素分析    14
五、结束语    16
致谢    17
参考文献    18
世界经济疲软的当下,中国经济持续的平稳发展,带动中国展览业及中国市场的日趋成熟,越来越多的海外展览公司瞄准中国市场这块潜力巨大的蛋糕,以英国博闻、励德展览、德国法兰克福展览公司为代表的一批全球著名专业展览公司已经陆续进入中国,积极兼并收购开拓在华项目,并以自己在本国举办成功并形成品牌效应的展览移至到中国,加速布局中国市场,以抢占市场份额。 国际专业展海外成功移植的因素研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_12199.html