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时间:2019-08-25 08:52来源:毕业论文

关键词: 经济全球化,中美贸易摩擦,知识产权纠纷
Discussion on the issue of intellectual property disputes in Sino-US trade friction
Abstract:The last century, the 1980s, gradually accelerating economic globalization, big wave, increasingly interdependent and dependent countries in the world, friction and conflict between countries has intensified. Our nature is not avoided, the most important is the conflict with the United States. And this one, the Sino-US IPR friction gradually become the center of gravity is located, in the past few years, our business has experienced many aspects of Section 337 of US intellectual property, China has become a major US investigation of intellectual property. This has become the main obstacle Chinese exports to the US companies. At this stage, whether it is the government or the US government have been aware of the two countries in trade, intellectual property issues for the development of bilateral economic and trade there is a significant impact. So, whether it is from the perspective of international standards required, or
 the perspective of our own needs, improve IPR protection environment it is very urgent and necessary. This paper draws on the literature on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of intellectual property disputes in Sino-US trade friction, evolution and causes, etc., but also put forward some constructive resolution strategies.
Keywords: Economic globalization, China-US trade friction,
          intellectual property disput
目  录
绪论    1
  (一)课题的选题背景    1
 (二)课题研究的意义    1
 (三)课题的研究现状    1
 (四)研究的主要方法    3
一、中美贸易摩擦中知识产权纠纷形成的原因    4
   (一)美国方面:美国的贸易保护主义盛行    4    
 (二)中国方面:    5
1.中国政府在知识产权保护上的不足    3
2.中国企业缺乏核心专利技术,应对知识产权诉讼的信心不足    3
二、中美贸易摩擦中知识产权纠纷的演变    6       
  (一)中美贸易摩擦中知识产权纠纷发展历程回顾    6
 (二)以美国“337”调查中涉华案件数量变化为例,看中美知识产权纠纷演变过程    7
三、中美贸易摩擦中知识产权纠纷特点、现状及发展趋势    9
 (一)中美贸易摩擦中知识产权纠纷特点    9
 (二)中美贸易摩擦中知识产权纠纷现状    10 中美贸易摩擦中知识产权纠纷问题探讨:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_38172.html