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时间:2019-10-27 16:44来源:毕业论文

摘要  产业转移不但是一种典型的经济行为,而且是一种社会行为。遵循经济学逻辑,当不同区域间生产要素价格差距较大时,受市场调节的信号指挥的企业就会自发采取适应性行为——向市场要素价格低的地方进行梯度转移。在产业转移的过程中,带来的一系列的经济效应推动我们区域的经济发展,促进农村劳动力流动,使我们周围的生活发生了各种各样的改变,但在改变我们生活的同时也必然会产生一系列的社会问题,其间也有一些问题值得引起我们的注意和更深一步发掘,经济的发展对我们日常的需求,包括住房,出行,医疗,教育产生了什么样的影响。本研究以安徽某地区在产业转移中发展为例,运用深入访谈法及调查问卷法等研究方法了解目前该地区在产业转移过程中如今的社会现状,分析产业转移带给该地区的各方面变化,并对其中的问题做出描述,最后总结产业转移对农村发展产生的变化和问题作出自身的建议。希望通过本次研究,能对推动我国产业转移对农村的发展做出有益的探索。41575
Social impact of industrial transfer on rural areas of Anhui
 -- Anhui Tianchang rural areas as an example
Abstract:  Industrial transfer is not only a kind of economic behavior, but also a kind of social behavior. Follow the logic of economics when between different regional production elements of the price gap is large, subject to market regulation signal command of the enterprise will be spontaneous take adaptive behavior to the elements of the market prices low gradient transfer. In the process of industrial transfer and bring a series of economic effect to promote our region's economic development, promote the flow of rural labor force, make the life around us has changed a variety of, but in changing our life also will inevitably produce a series of social problems, during which there are some problems deserve our attention and further explore, the economic development of our daily needs, including housing, travel, health and education has been the what kind of impact. The research to the development of a certain area of Anhui in the industrial transfer as an example, using in-depth interview method and questionnaire research method of understanding at present in the region in the industrial transfer process in today's social status, analysis of industry transfer to bring the changes of the area, and the problems of the description, finally summarizes industrial transfer changes to rural development and the problems in making their own recommendations. Hope that through this study, can promote the development of China's industrial transfer to make a useful exploration.
Keywords:  industrial transfer ; social influence;countryside
近些年来,随着经济增长,在国家城市化战略和产业转移战略的推动下,产业转移的进程也在不断的加快,长三角的产业转移首选安徽地区来承接,在经历产业转移后的安徽地区必然发生一系列的变化,从原来的小平房到如今高楼林立,从原来的建议破陋的教学楼到现在高端大气的多媒体教室,从原来的小诊所到现在的中心医院等等我们日常生活的改变,本文着眼总结安徽某地区农村在产业转移下发生的关于对农村的土地使用,乡镇和县城的企业和房价变化,安徽人的就业,教育,医疗,住房出行等方面的影响和变化来反应产业转移的作用。同时通过对其中产生的问题进行反映和提出自己的一些建议。 产业转移对安徽农村的社会影响:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_41678.html