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时间:2022-09-13 22:23来源:毕业论文



On the life oriented teaching of primary school education

Abstract: An important concept of the new curriculum reform is the teaching return to life。 Life and teaching is inseparable, life is the source of Chinese, language is and sublimation of the carrier of life, the life of the classroom teaching can enhance students' a esthetic taste and the ability to create imagination, to enable the students to obtain the comprehensive development。 However, there are some problems in the primary school language classroom teaching: the teaching background is separated from the life; the teaching content is separated from the life; the teaching process is separated from the life; the teaching method is separated from the life。 In view of the problems existed in Chinese classroom teaching in primary school, it is recommended using life of resources to enrich the content of Chinese teaching in primary school, let primary school classroom return to life; the life oriented teaching activities。 Activities should be close to life, let pupils in the life of teaching and learning; in class a design situation, causing the students' interest in learning, so that we can get better development。

Key words: Primary school Chinese; Classroom teaching; Life

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、课堂教学生活化的内涵与意义 2

(一)语文生活化的内涵 3

(二)小学语文课堂教学生活化的意义 3

1。生活是语文的源泉 3

2。语文是生活的载体与升华 3

二、小学语文课堂教学存在的问题 4

(一)教学背景脱离生活 4

(二)教学内容脱离生活 4

(三)教学活动脱离生活 5

三、小学语文课堂教学生活化的策略 5

(一)运用生活化资源充实小学语文教学内容 6

(二)课堂创设情境教学 6

(三)教学活动生活化 7

(四)教师增强运用能力,指导社会实践 7

参考文献 8

致  谢 9


虽然新课程改革之后语文教材与生活有了更多的联系,但是语文教学依然是在教材之中,没有对学生的生活实践做出迅速的反应。让学生们缺失了丰富多彩的生活世界。如今国家提倡素质教育,细细观看语文教学,却仍然是循规蹈矩,教学内容依然是学习字词,分析句子,概括中心,模仿作文。放眼望去小学生的作文都是千篇一律毫无新意,缺少学生的生活体验。如何从学生的个人生活和现实存在出发,改进语文课堂教学,提高教学效率,提高素质教育,探索一种符合学生语言与思维发展规律的教学途径,成为当前语文教育的首要重点[1]。 小学语文课堂教学生活化探究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_99385.html
