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时间:2022-09-13 22:21来源:毕业论文



The Strategy Research of Creating a Good Chinese Classroom Atmosphere in Primary School

Abstract:Chinese is one of the most important courses for primary school education, which is the base to learn various kinds of knowledge, and Chinese takes a very important position in the entire teaching activity。 Therefore, it is particularly important to build a good Chinese classroom atmosphere in primary school。In the specific process of Chinese teaching, teachers always occupy the central position, teachers do not treat students equally in some way, teachers and students interact in a single form,at the same time there also exists other questions,especially teachers always ignore classroom scene creation, in Chinese teaching, multimedia teaching is used unreasonable, this has seriously affected the Chinese classroom teaching atmosphere。 So in order to create a good classroom atmosphere, teachers should give full chances to the student's main body status, build new type of relationship between teachers and students, create situation, active classroom atmosphere, and pay more attention to the use of multimedia teaching, teachers should also create active classroom atmosphere of different strategies proactively, the most important of all is that teachers and students should work together to create a classroom atmosphere that is vibrant and full of passion, so that students’ learning achievement and learning efficiency can be improved。 

 Key words: Primary school Chinese; Classroom atmosphere; Strategy research

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

前言 2

一、营造小学语文良好课堂氛围的重要性 2

(一)提高学生的学习效率和学习成绩 3

(二)有利于培养学生和谐的个性 3

二、营造小学语文良好课堂氛围存在的主要问题 3

(一)教师占据“中心”地位,没有平等对待学生 4

(二)师生互动形式单一,忽视课堂中情境创设 4

(三)语文教学中,多媒体教学运用不合理 5

三、营造小学语文良好课堂氛围的对策 6

(一)充分发挥学生的主体地位,构建新型师生关系 6

(二)创设情境活跃课堂气氛 6

(三)注重运用多媒体教学,营造积极主动的课堂氛围 7

结束语 8

参考文献 9

致谢 营造小学语文良好课堂氛围的策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_99384.html
