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时间:2021-11-16 20:03来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字: 未来教室,小学语文,互动式,阅读教学,教学模式

Abstract: Classroom is the main place to carry out education and teaching。 It is one of the most important teaching environment。 However, compared today’s classrooms with the classrooms in many years ago, in addition to the increase of media equipment, it is still a row of seats in front of the podium and the blackboard。 The pattern of the classroom is similar to the previous。 The traditional Chinese teaching in our country was based on teachers。 This kind of teaching method can import a lot of knowledge and information to the students。 But this way of teaching is not good for students。 Therefore, in order to change the recent situation, we should effectively use modern technology, so that the primary school reading teaching will smart up。 Through information technology and a variety of teaching methods to let the students get more knowledge。 It can make reading teaching become interactive and realize the pleasure of primary school reading teaching。 

Keywords: future classroom, Chinese teaching in primary school, interactive   reading instruction, model of teaching


1    前言 4

2    基本概念界定及相关研究 4

2。1 “未来教室”的概念 4

2。2 “未来教室”的主要特点 4

2。3  互动式阅读教学的概念 6

2。4  小学语文互动式阅读教学的主要特点 6

2。5  传统小学语文阅读教学不足 7

3   “未来教室”对小学语文互动式阅读教学的优化 9

3。1 “未来教室”与小学语文互动式阅读教学之间的关联 9

3。2 “未来教室”在小学语文互动式阅读教学中的作用 10

4   “未来教室”环境下小学语文互动式阅读教学模式探究 11

4。1  情境性阅读教学模式 11

4。2  探究性阅读教学模式 13

4。3  主题性阅读教学模式 15

4。4  合作性阅读教学模式 16

结论 18

参考文献 19

1 前言   

21世纪是一个数字化的时代,信息技术迅猛发展,在教学领域的应用也越来越广泛。如今的课堂已从以教师为主的单向传输式的教学形式转变成了以学生为中心,教师作为引导者的教学形式。由于传统教室结构的束缚,学生的主体地位很难得到充分发挥,对于社会培养创新性人才的需求也很难得到满足。这就需要我们创设适合未来社会人才培养需求的教学环境。而教室是完成教学的主要阵地,因此,对“未来教室”环境下的语文教学模式的研究,对于未来教育教学的发展有着十分重要的作用。 未来教室环境下小学语文互动式阅读教学模式探究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_85084.html
