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时间:2021-05-23 17:13来源:毕业论文


Junior middle school thought moral character class, as a foundation for junior high school student thought personal character and healthy development of a comprehensive required course. To improve the quality of teaching, from thought to action, must be conducted from goals to strategy of further reform. Respect the students as mobility of inpidual life, will be returned to the class students, students only in the internalization of activities can be achieved in the students' self education, ensure the realization of the expected effect of education. Taking hangzhou picking lotus middle school as a case, through the life-emphasized teaching picking lotus middle school will be implemented to the concrete practice of the junior middle school thought moral character class, the questionnaire survey to analysis the existing problems and reasons, suit the remedy to the case, put forward some feasible, concrete Suggestions and comments.


Keyword: Ideological and moral lessons in junior high school; life teaching; teaching strategies

目    录

一、思想品德课程呼唤生命化教学 4

(一)生命化教学的内涵 4

(二)生命化教学是思想品德课程的应有之义 4

二、杭州市采荷中学初中思想品德生命化教学现状及其存在的问题 5

(一)教学内容脱离初中生的现实生活 6


1、教学过程中缺乏多向交流 7

2、教学评价方式单一,忽视学生的差异性和个性需要 8

三、杭州市采荷中学初中思想品德课生命化教学中存在问题的原因分析 9

(一)“以生为本”的教学理念没有真正树立 9

(二)教学手段弱化学生参与体验 9

(三)教材内容与学生实际相脱节 10

(四)教学评价忽视学生个性差异 10

(五)教学活动扼杀学生创新思维 10

四、初中思想品德课渗透生命化教学的对策研究 11

(一)教师转变观念,树立“以生为本”、平等的双向交流观 12

(二)教材内容要面向生活,联系实际 12

(三)教学评价从单一化走向多元化 13

(四)教学活动在充分尊重学生的主体地位 13

(五)教学手段要运用多媒体技术,创设情境,深化学生生命体验 14

五、参考文献 生命化教学在初中思想品德课程中的实践探索:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_75442.html
