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时间:2019-07-09 13:05来源:毕业论文

Research status of children eating habits
-- Taking Z city S kindergarten as an example
Abstract: Children's eating habits is very important for the growth and development of children. To cultivate good eating habits from childhood, to promote children's healthy development and growth, the formation of a good diet structure and diet etiquette, for children's physical development and personality development in the future have important influence on the. At present, many kindergartens are providing lunch for the children, but also facilitate the diet problem we better teachers pay attention to children's. Through the observation and Analysis on children's eating habits, can find bad problems existing in the eating habits of children, to provide a basis for the correct. This article is based on this, combined with the Z S kindergarten classes in the diet of young children as the object of study, analysis of the current situation, problems and reasons of children's eating habits, and from the family, kindergarten and the companion of the three put forward to solve the problems and improvement strategies. Also hope that through the children to correct bad habits of promote, develop good eating habits of children.

Keywords: children; dietary habits;analysis of the situation
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、幼儿饮食习惯的概述    2
(一)幼儿饮食习惯的概念    2
(二)幼儿良好饮食习惯的表现    2
(三)幼儿良好饮食习惯的价值    3
二、幼儿饮食习惯的现状    3
(一)餐前准备    3
(二)营养均衡    4
(三)定时定量    4
(四)幼儿饮食的礼仪    5
三、幼儿饮食习惯的问题及原因分析    6
(一)幼儿饮食习惯的问题分析    6
(二)幼儿饮食习惯问题的原因分析    6
四、改善幼儿饮食习惯的建议    7
(一)家庭方面的建议    7
(二)幼儿园方面的建议    7
(三)同伴方面的建议    8
参考文献    9
附录A    10
附录B    11
致谢    12
《0-6岁儿童膳食指南》指出,为幼儿提供谷物、蔬菜、水果、肉、奶、蛋、豆制品等多样化的食物,均衡搭配。烹调方式要科学,尽量少油炸、腌制、烧烤。鼓励幼儿多喝白开水,少喝饮料。《规程》中指出:幼儿园必须切实做好幼儿心理和生理、卫生保健工作。从营养方面讲,这一时期应当重视的就是平衡膳食。所谓平衡膳食,就是荤素搭配,包括动、植物蛋白质的搭配,动、植物脂肪搭配,精粮与粗粮搭配,使幼儿能摄取足够的优质蛋白质和必须的脂肪酸、矿物质和文生素。因此应该有意识的培养幼儿良好的饮食习惯,绝不能因为孩子小而放松要求,使幼儿形成挑食、偏食、边吃边玩等不良习惯。笔者在幼儿园实习实践中发现一些问题:幼儿在吃饭时有太多的不良行为习惯,比如只吃饭不喝汤,吃饭前后不洗手等等。[1]笔者通过已有文献的收集和分析,发现对这个问题的研究还不太完善,已有的文献只是注重幼儿饮食的搭配、幼儿良好习惯的养成,却忽略了出现了不良饮食习惯该如何解决的相关策略,所以笔者想从幼儿园饮食情况观察的现状进行分析和研究,并根据实践情况和一些文献资料分析幼儿饮食习惯中存在的问题,可以对教师的工作和幼儿良好饮食习惯的养成起到帮助作用。 幼儿饮食习惯的现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35485.html