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时间:2019-07-11 12:36来源:毕业论文

The analysis of the influence of teachers’ words and deeds on 4 to 5 years old childrens’ behavior
Abstract:The main learning way of the children ranging in age from 4 to 5 years old is to imitate.So as a preschool teacher,every words and deeds will have an enormous effect on childrens’ physic and mental development and behavior. This paper discusses about a few reasonable words and deeds of the kingdergarden teachers,and analyses the characteristics of children's behavioral development.Through the mothod of observation and event recording,we collected some cases from the kingdergarden about the teachers’ words and deeds which affect the childrens’ words and deeds,we find that teachers’ positive words and deeds will have a positive impact effect on children,or it will have a negative impact on children on the contrary.According to this phenomenon, this paper discusses about the influence of the teachers’ suitable words and deeds on children's behavior, the inappropriate words and deeds on children's behavior and the different causes of the childrens’ behavior,and we put forward some development strategy which contain about treating children with moderate attitude, using positive edcational method which contain about encouraging and praising, seting a good example for children,looking for solutions to solve problems with children.
Keywords: Teachers’ words and deeds;Childrens’ suitable words and deeds
目  录

摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    2
一、教师言行与幼儿行为特点的概述    2
(一)幼儿园教师言行要求    2
(二)4—5岁幼儿行为发展特点    3
二、教师言行对幼儿行为影响的调查分析    3
(一)教师适宜言行对幼儿行为的影响分析    3
(二)教师不适宜言行对幼儿的影响分析    4
(三)幼儿不同诱因的行为表现及教师言行分析    5
三、改善教师言行的发展策略    6
(一)以温和的态度关心爱护幼儿    6
(二)采取鼓励、表扬等正面教育的方式    7
(三)以身作则为幼儿做出良好的榜样    8
(四)与幼儿一起想办法解决问题    8
结束语    9
参考文献    10
附录    11
致谢    13
教师的言语行为与幼儿的社会性行为之间存在着一动态的、互动的行为关系。俗话说“三岁看小,七岁看老”,学前期是幼儿养成良好行为习惯的关键时期,在这个阶段的习惯形成决定着幼儿今后的性格形成及道德标准,对一个人的未来发展也起着重要影响。因此,在一个人可塑性最强的阶段,教师需洞悉幼儿自身特点,从各个方面做起,为幼儿的行为习惯、道德标准及基本生活技能打下良好的基础。本文侧重于教师言行对幼儿行为影响的研究,采用具体案例具体分析的方法,从教师言行对幼儿行为发展的影响、幼儿的行为对教师言行的影响以及教师在幼儿园与幼儿相处时的行为要求等几个方面进行分析,并提出合理的建议。 教师言行对4-5岁幼儿行为影响分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35552.html