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时间:2020-08-02 11:14来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the new curriculum reform throughout the country from top to bottom off a new wave of curriculum reform, which on a higher requirement of personal comprehensive quality for primary scholar. In the primary school education, Chinese teaching is the basis for learning other subjects,At the same time,it can also train the envision ability and the perception ability of the students to improve students' own comprehensive quality. Therefore, teachers should pay more attention to the importance of Chinese teaching methods in primary school, From the viewpoint of Chinese teaching practice, Organizing and implementing their teaching activities according to the physical and mental development of students and the students’ characteristics of age. The specific requirements of the teaching methods of different disciplines will be different .This paper mainly discusses how to use the most effective teaching methods with the guidance of new curriculum reform theory to improve the teaching efficiency of the primary school Chinese teaching.

Keywords: new curriculum reform, primary school Chinese, teaching methods

目  录

1  前言 5

2  小学语文课堂教学存在的问题 5

3  小学语文教学具体方法 5

3.1  巧设情境,激发学习兴趣 5

3.2  利用多媒体课件,丰富课堂教学 6

3.3  开展小组交流合作学习,将课堂还给学生 7

3.4  联系生活,注重实践 8

3.5  通过谈话,带动课堂教学 9

3.6  利用讲读,提高课堂效率 10

结  论 12

参考文献 13

致  谢 14

1  前言


2  小学语文课堂教学存在的问题

随着新课改的不断深化,教师应提高自身认知,在自己日常的语文工作中对自己提出更高的要求。教师要坚持提高课堂教学效果,不断学习新课程理论来完善和发展自己,推动新课改的进一步深化。通过笔者三个月的实习经历的基础上,笔者查阅相关资料,发现在当前我国小学语文的课堂环境还是存在不少问题的,主要体现在当下很多教师在课堂教学中不断的暴露出了自己对新课改理论理论了解认知不到位,使用教学方法不足。因此,我们教师必须适应新时代的要求,结合新的教育观念,根据小学教育实际,采取科学有效的小学语文课堂教学方法。 小学语文课堂教学存在的问题:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_57463.html
