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时间:2018-12-31 17:37来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:大学生;   自卑感 ;   学业成就归因方式
The Correlation Research of Sense of Inferiority and Style of Academic Achievement Attribution of College Students
Abstract:This study is conducted to learn about the current condition of sense of inferiority,the current situation on the style of academic achievement attribution and the possible relations between them among college students.Two scales are included,one of them is self-abased psychology diagnosis scale ,the other is the scale of academic achievement attribution.The investigation is carried on by randomly selecting 218 subjects from four grades in Zhoukou Normal University.The results show that the degree of inferiority has nothing to do with gender and that obviously scores of inferiority of students from big cities is lower than those from small villages.The scores of situation of male college students is markedly higher than female college students.The scores of only child on inferiority is lower than non-only child.Compared with the former ,the latter tends to attribute academic achievements to the luck.For those college students, whether they are student cadres or not,they have similar style of attribution and scores of inferiority.Besides,students in different grades have different styles of attribution.And the sense of inferiority of college students has positive correlation with the two dimensions of style of academic achievement attribution—capacity and situation.
Keywords: college students;sense of inferiority;style of academic achievement attribution
目 录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
引言    2
1研究对象与方法    3
1.1研究对象    3
1.2研究工具    3
1.3统计分析    4
2 结果    4
2.1 不同性别大学生自卑得分及归因方式各文度的比较    4
2.2 不同生源地大学生自卑得分及归因方式各文度的比较    5
2.3 大学生是否独生在自卑得分及归因方式各文度的比较    5
2.4 大学生是否任职在自卑得分及归因方式各文度的比较    6
2.5 不同年级大学生在自卑得分及归因方式各文度的比较    7
2.6大学生自卑感与归因方式各文度的相关    7
3 分析讨论    8
3.1 大学生的自卑感程度与性别无关    8
3.2 来自城市的大学生的自卑得分明显低于来自农村的大学生    8
3.3 男大学生的情境得分显著高于女大学生    8
3.4 独生子女的自卑得分显著低于非独生子女的    9
3.5 大学生是否担当职务在归因方式各文度以及自卑得分上没有显著差异    9
3.6 不同年级的大学生的学业成就归因方式有显著差异    9
3.7 大学生自卑感与学业成就归因方式的能力文度、情境文度存在相关    10 大学生自卑感与学业成就归因方式的相关研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_28556.html