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时间:2020-12-08 11:09来源:毕业论文
高校教师教学能力评价指标体系的构建与分析Establishment and analysis of evaluation index system of College Teachers' teaching ability


 Abstract: Nowadays, our national education has transformed from “mass education” to “popularized education”, and young teachers at colleges and universities play a vitally important role in this transformation. Consequently, the evaluation of teaching level of teacher is of prime importance. The establish of Teaching Evaluation Index System for teachers at colleges and universities aims to provide scientific, comprehensive, and objective ways to teaching evaluation, so it can evaluate teachers’ teaching abilities and teaching qualities preferably. The main significance of the system is that it contributes to the teachers’ developments and the improvements of teaching level, and it also supports the continual improvement of the quality of running a school and teaching levels. This paper discusses a range of issues such as the ways to establish Teaching Evaluation Index System, its basic principles, its target group, how it evaluates teachers’ abilities, and what aspects it focus on. Referred to other literature, this paper compares teaching ability evaluation systems from different colleges and universities and explains their scientific and advantages and disadvantages, and it also tentatively whether the existing teaching ability evaluation systems are still suit for present theories on school management of colleges and universities.


Keywords: college teaching evaluation; comprehensive teaching evaluation; teaching quality

目   录

1、引言 4

1.1构建高校教师教学能力评价体系的意义 5

1.2构建评价指标体系的基本原则 8

1.3评价指标体系内容和分析 8

1.3.1评价内容 8

1.3.2评价指标体系分析 10

1.3.1构建评价指标 10

1.4评价工作组织和评价信息采集 14

1.4.1计算结果 14

附录: 15

参考文献 18

致  谢 19


   高等教育在国民教育中担待了非常重要的责任,是国家人才输出的主要渠道,高等院校办学质量的好坏直接影响了人才输出的质量,人才输出的质量好坏直接的影响到我国的经济建设,文明建设。由此可见,高等教育在我国的教育领域中是不可以或缺的。唯有高等院校保持良好,持续的人才输出,才能为我国高速发展阶段提供有用的人才。高等院校保持良好的办学质量和优质教学水平就是人才培育的确实保障,在高等教育中尤其重要。其中,高校教师队伍直接承担了教学的重任,教师直接参与教学,面向学生承担起“传道授业”的重任,教师的教学能力的好坏高低直接影响了学生的受教育程度。在高等教育中,教师是非常重要的一环。因此对教师教学能力的考核,教学能力的评价是相当有必要的。不过,在对教师教学能力进行评价之前我们有必要弄清楚什么是教学能力?衡量教学能力的标准是什么呢?在过去,学校单纯的以成绩单衡量一个学生的好坏,以成绩单鉴定老师的教学能力的高低,这样功利化的评定方式让我们的教育变得死板,使我们的学生成了一台人工机器。教育,失去了生机。教师作为传道者,所要做的事情远远不止传授书本里的知识那么简单,他更多的职能应该是在启发和帮助学生树立正确的人生观,价值观,世界观。然而这些抽象的东西,我们无法通过成绩单看见。因此对教师教学能力的评价应该采取更为科学的方式。 高校教师教学能力评价指标体系的构建与分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_66021.html
