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时间:2020-12-08 11:07来源:毕业论文
初中科学光折射知识点教学研究Study on the teaching of refraction of light in the course of science at junior middle school


The chapter of refraction of light in the course of science at junior middle school is mainly about the phenomenon of light refraction, the three laws of refraction, how to understand and use light refraction in the life, composition, classification, and imaging principle and application of various lens related to refraction of light. In this paper, I first introduce the important points of light refraction, and then through the way of theory combined with the life practice, let the students learn the middle school physics in their easy lives. I propose the corresponding teaching scheme, in order to make the students be able to more fully understand and comprehend the section of refraction of light. So the quality of teachers’ classroom teaching can be improved and the quality of the students’ learning can also be improved, which achieves win-win results.

毕业论文关键词: 光折射; 透镜; 初中; 科学课程

Keyword: Refraction of light; Lens; Junior middle school; Course of science

目    录

1 引言 4

1.1 光的折射现象及定义 4

1.2 光的折射规律 4

1.3 如何理解及运用光的折射现象 5

2 透镜及透镜成像 6

2.1 透镜的成像原理 6

2.2 透镜成像公式及规律 7

2.3 生活中透镜的运用及现象 7

3 光折射的教学方法 8

3.1 课程引入 8

3.2 探究的过程及方法 8

3.3 教学过程分析 9

4 小结 9

参考文献 10

致谢 10

1 引言


1.1 光的折射现象及定义

光的折射与光的反射一样都是发生在两种介质的交界处,只是反射光返回原介质中,而折射光则进入到另一种介质中,由于光在两种不同的物质里传播速度不同,故在两种介质的交界处传播方向发生变化,这就是光的折射。注意:在两种介质的交界处,既发生折射,同时也发生反射。 初中科学光折射知识点教学研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_66020.html
